custodia.ipa 0.4.2

Creator: bradpython12

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custodia.ipa 0.4.2

WARNING custodia.ipa is a tech preview with a provisional API.
custodia.ipa is a collection of plugins for
Custodia. It provides integration
with FreeIPA. The IPAVault plugin is an
interface to FreeIPA
vault. Secrets are
encrypted and stored in Dogtagā€™s Key
Recovery Agent. The IPACertRequest plugin creates private key and
signed certificates on-demand. Finally the IPAInterface plugin is a
helper plugin that wraps ipalib and GSSAPI authentication.



setuptools >= 18.0


custodia >= 0.5.0
ipalib >= 4.5.0
ipaclient >= 4.5.0
Python 2.7 (Python 3 support in IPA vault is unstable.)

custodia.ipa requires an IPA-enrolled host and a Kerberos TGT for
authentication. It is recommended to provide credentials with a keytab
file or GSS-Proxy. Furthermore IPAVault depends on Key Recovery Agent
service (ipa-kra-install).

Testing and development


virtualenv requirements
custodia.ipa depends on several binary extensions and shared libraries
for e.g. python-cryptography, python-gssapi, python-ldap, and
python-nss. For installation in a virtual environment, a C compiler and
several development packages are required.
$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install --upgrade custodia.ipa

$ sudo dnf install python2 python-pip python-virtualenv python-devel \
gcc redhat-rpm-config krb5-workstation krb5-devel libffi-devel \
nss-devel openldap-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel

Debian / Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y python2.7 python-pip python-virtualenv python-dev \
gcc krb5-user libkrb5-dev libffi-dev libnss3-dev libldap2-dev \
libsasl2-dev libssl-dev

Example configuration
Create directories
$ sudo mkdir /etc/custodia /var/lib/custodia /var/log/custodia /var/run/custodia
$ sudo chown USER:GROUP /var/lib/custodia /var/log/custodia /var/run/custodia
$ sudo chmod 750 /var/lib/custodia /var/log/custodia
Create service account and keytab
$ kinit admin
$ ipa service-add custodia/$HOSTNAME
$ ipa service-allow-create-keytab custodia/$HOSTNAME --users=admin
$ mkdir -p /etc/custodia
$ ipa-getkeytab -p custodia/$HOSTNAME -k /etc/custodia/ipa.keytab
$ chown custodia:custodia /etc/custodia/ipa.keytab
The IPA cert request plugin needs additional permissions
$ ipa privilege-add \
--desc="Create and request service certs with Custodia" \
"Custodia Service Certs"
$ ipa privilege-add-permission \
--permissions="Retrieve Certificates from the CA" \
--permissions="Request Certificate" \
--permissions="Revoke Certificate" \
--permissions="System: Modify Services" \
"Custodia Service Certs"
# for add_principal=True
$ ipa privilege-add-permission \
--permissions="System: Add Services" \
"Custodia Service Certs"
$ ipa role-add \
--desc="Create and request service certs with Custodia" \
"Custodia Service Cert Adminstrator"
$ ipa role-add-privilege \
--privileges="Custodia Service Certs" \
"Custodia Service Cert Adminstrator"
$ ipa role-add-member \
--services="custodia/$HOSTNAME" \
"Custodia Service Cert Adminstrator"
Create /etc/custodia/ipa.conf
# /etc/custodia/ipa.conf

debug = true
makedirs = true

handler = IPAInterface
keytab = ${configdir}/${instance}.keytab
ccache = FILE:${rundir}/ccache

handler = SimpleCredsAuth
uid = root
gid = root

handler = SimplePathAuthz
paths = /. /secrets

handler = IPAVault

handler = IPACertRequest
backing_store = vault

handler = Root

handler = Secrets
store = vault

handler = Secrets
store = cert
Run Custodia server
$ systemctl start custodia@ipa.socket

IPA cert request
The IPACertRequest store plugin generates or revokes certificates on
the fly. It uses a backing store to cache certs and private keys. The
plugin can create service principal automatically. However the host must
already exist. The IPACertRequest does not create host entries on
A request like GET /path/to/store/HTTP/client1.ipa.example generates
a private key and CSR for the service HTTP/client1.ipa.example with
DNS subject alternative name client1.ipa.example. The CSR is then
forwarded to IPA and signed by Dogtag. The resulting cert and its trust
chain is returned together with the private key as a PEM bundle.
$ custodia-cli get /certs/HTTP/client1.ipa.example

Issuer: organizationName=IPA.EXAMPLE, commonName=Certificate Authority
Subject: organizationName=IPA.EXAMPLE, commonName=client1.ipa.example
Serial Number: 22
Not Before: 2017-04-27 09:44:20
Not After: 2019-04-28 09:44:20

Issuer: organizationName=IPA.EXAMPLE, commonName=Certificate Authority
Issuer: organizationName=IPA.EXAMPLE, commonName=Certificate Authority
Serial Number: 1
Not Before: 2017-04-26 08:24:11
Not After: 2037-04-26 08:24:11
A DELETE request removes the cert/key pair from the backing store and
revokes the cert at the same time.
Automatical renewal of revoked or expired certificates is not
implemented yet.

FreeIPA 4.4 support
The default settings and permissions are tuned for FreeIPA >= 4.5. For
4.4, the plugin must be configured with chain=False. The additional
permission Request Certificate with SubjectAltName is required, too.
ipa privilege-add-permission \
--permissions="Request Certificate with SubjectAltName" \
"Custodia Service Certs"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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