custom-json-encoder 0.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

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customjsonencoder 0.5.0

Custom JSON Encoder
A JSON encoder that allows customizing the indentation based on the content and the width of the line.
See the command-line tool to understand how to use the CustomJSONEncoder class. This tool is a patch from json/, so follow the #region and #endregion comments to understand the differences.
Command Line Interface
Instead of using the standard JSON tool
$ python -m json.tool demo.json --indent 4
"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [
"value": "New",
"onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"
"value": "Open",
"onclick": "OpenDoc()"
"value": "Close",
"onclick": "CloseDoc()"

you can use the custom JSON encoder instead with the same flags
$ python -m custom_json_encoder demo.json --indent 4
"menu": {
"id": "file",
"value": "File",
"popup": {
"menuitem": [
"value": "New",
"onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"
"value": "Open",
"onclick": "OpenDoc()"
"value": "Close",
"onclick": "CloseDoc()"

This tool provides the same functionality as the standard JSON tool
$ python -m custom_json_encoder -h
usage: custom_json_encoder [-h] [--sort-keys] [--no-ensure-ascii] [--json-lines] [--indent INDENT | --indent-after KEY | --tab | --compact] [--indent-after-width AMOUNT]
[--indent-after-indentation AMOUNT]
[infile] [outfile]

A simple command line interface for json module to validate and pretty-print JSON objects.

positional arguments:
infile a JSON file to be validated or pretty-printed
outfile write the output of infile to outfile

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sort-keys sort the output of dictionaries alphabetically by key
--no-ensure-ascii disable escaping of non-ASCII characters
--json-lines parse input using the JSON Lines format. Use with --no-indent or --compact to produce valid JSON Lines output.
--indent INDENT separate items with newlines and use this number of spaces for indentation
--indent-after KEY indent after the given key using --indent-after-indentation spaces
--tab separate items with newlines and use tabs for indentation
--compact suppress all whitespace separation (most compact)
--indent-after-width AMOUNT
set the width of the output line when --indent-after is active
--indent-after-indentation AMOUNT
use this number of spaces for indentation when --indent-after is active

except for the --indent-after, --indent-after-width and --indent-after-indentation flags, which allow indenting ONLY after the given key or after reaching the given width.
$ python -m custom_json_encoder demo.json --indent-after menuitem --indent-after-width 50 --indent-after-indentation 4
"menu": {"id": "file", "value": "File",
"popup": {"menuitem": [
{"value": "New", "onclick":
{"value": "Open", "onclick":
{"value": "Close", "onclick":


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