CustomCam 0.0.2

Creator: coderz1093

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CustomCam 0.0.2

🎥 CustomCam
Extendable webcam customisation in Python.
CustomCam uses pyvirtualcamera to interact with virtual output devices. As this package was primarily developed for Linux, the Quick Start commands address that use case. To set up virtual output devices for other platforms, check the pyvirtualcam docs.
Quick Start
pip install CustomCam # Install CustomCam
sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms # Install virtual camera creator (Linux)

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=1 # Create virtual camera (Linux)
CustomCam # Launch CustomCam

usage: CustomCam [-h] [--input_camera INPUT_CAMERA]
[--output_camera OUTPUT_CAMERA] [--fps]
[--pref_width PREF_WIDTH] [--pref_height PREF_HEIGHT]
[--pref_fps PREF_FPS]
[--filter {Gray,NoFilter,Segment,Sepia,Shake,BlurBox,Frame,Pixel,BlurSat}]
[--verbose] [--logfile]

🎥 CustomCam. Extendable webcam modification on your commandline.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_camera INPUT_CAMERA
ID of webcam device (default: 0)
--output_camera OUTPUT_CAMERA
Dummy output device (default: /dev/video2)
--pref_width PREF_WIDTH
Overwrite camera width. (default: None)
--pref_height PREF_HEIGHT
Overwrite camera height. (default: None)
--pref_fps PREF_FPS Overwrite camera fps. (default: None)
--filter {Gray,NoFilter,Segment,Sepia,Shake,BlurBox,Frame,Pixel,BlurSat}
--verbose Enable verbose logging. (default: False)
--logfile Write log to disk. (default: False)

Users are able to change the active filter, display statistics, flip the camera, close the program etc. whilst CustomCam is running by entering the appropriate command in the terminal in which CustomCam was launched.
• 'BlurBox': Blur background via single face detection.
• 'BlurSat': Blur background via saturation detection.
• 'Frame': Highlight targets of face detection.
• 'Gray': Apply grayscale.
• 'NoFilter': Applies no filters.
• 'Pixel': Pixelate individuals in the foreground.
• 'Segment': Blur background using mediapipe's SelfieSegmentation.
• 'Sepia': Apply sepia effect.
• 'Shake': Shake two channels horizontally.

• 'f', 'flip': Flip camera
• 's', 'stats': Display statistics
• 'h', 'help': Get this help
• 'q', 'quit': Exit CustomCam

Creating your own filters
User-defined filters can be added to
Filter classes must:

Inherit from filters.Filter
Implement a __str__ method that return string containing a short description of the filter.
Implement an apply method which takes a frame (as a np.array), applies filter logic and returns that a np.array.
Not share a name with any existing class or input command.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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