customlib 6.3.0

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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customlib 6.3.0

A few tools for day to day work.

python -m pip install [--upgrade] customlib

Available tools:


This is a file handler that can be used as a context-manager with thread & file locking.
How to:
from customlib.filehandlers import FileHandler

fh = FileHandler("test_file.txt", "a", encoding="UTF-8")
fh.write("Just testing out this cool new filehandler.\n")

or even beter:
with FileHandler("test_file.txt", "a", encoding="UTF-8") as fh:
fh.write("Just testing out this cool new filehandler.\n")


This is a file locker that can also be used as a context-manager.
How to:
from customlib.filelockers import FileLocker, LOCK

fl1 = FileLocker()

if __name__ == '__main__':
fh1 = open("just_a_file.txt", "w", encoding="UTF-8")
fl1.acquire(fh1, flags=LOCK.EX)
fh1.write("Just testing the locking system...\n")

Lock types:

LOCK.EX: int (0x1), exclusive lock
LOCK.SH: int (0x2), shared lock

Lock flags:

LOCK.NB: int (0x4), non-blocking

Manually unlock (only needed internally):

LOCK.UN: int (0), unlock


This is a handler that makes use of keyring for password safe-keeping.
How to:
from customlib.keyvault import Vault

vault = Vault()
password: str = vault.generate(exclude="\'\"\\", length=16)
vault.set_password(service="test_service", username="test_username", password=password)

if __name__ == '__main__':
password: str = vault.get_password(service="test_service", username="test_username")

vault.del_password(service="test_service", username="test_username")

generate params:

include: The character set(s) to be used when generating the password.

u: ascii_uppercase
l: ascii_lowercase
d: digits
p: punctuation

exclude: The characters to be excluded from the password.
length: The number of characters our password should have.

This is not so different from keyring, after all, it is making use of its methods.
It exists only to serve as a base class for KeyVault!


This is a handler that makes use of keyring for password safe-keeping using encryption.
How to:
from customlib.keyvault import KeyVault

vault = KeyVault()
value=vault.generate(exclude="\'\"\\", length=16),
salt=vault.generate(exclude="\'\"\\", length=16)

if __name__ == '__main__':
vault.set_password(service="test_service", username="test_username", password="test_password")

print(vault.get_password(service="test_service", username="test_username"))

vault.del_password(service="test_service", username="test_username")

generate params:

include: The character set(s) to be used when generating the password.

u: ascii_uppercase
l: ascii_lowercase
d: digits
p: punctuation

exclude: The characters to be excluded from the password.
length: The number of characters our password should have.


Immutable class registry handler.
from customlib.registry import ClassRegistry

class SomeClass(object):

def __init__(self, var: str):
self.var = var

if __name__ == '__main__':
# instantiating 'SomeClass':
some_class = ClassRegistry.get("some_name", "var_value")


Mutable class registry handler.
If a key already exists in __register__ it will be updated.
from customlib.registry import MutableClassRegistry

class SomeClass(object):

def __init__(self, var: str):
self.var = var

if __name__ == '__main__':
# instantiating 'SomeClass'
some_class = MutableClassRegistry.get("some_name", "var_value")


With this handler we can prevent the operating system from going to sleep.
Works in Windows and it might work as well in Linux and Darwin systems (not tested!).
How to:
from customlib.systemhandlers import OsSleepInhibitor

if __name__ == '__main__':
with OsSleepInhibitor(keep_screen_awake=True) as osi:
print("I just did something that took a lot of time...")


Singleton metaclass for restricting non-strict classes to only one instance per runtime.
How to:
from customlib.singletons import MetaSingleton

class CfgParser(object, metaclass=MetaSingleton):

if __name__ == '__main__':
cfg1 = CfgParser()
cfg2 = CfgParser()

print("*" * 80)
print("cfg1 == cfg2:", cfg1 == cfg2)
print("cfg1 is cfg2:", cfg1 is cfg2)

cfg1 == cfg2: True
cfg1 is cfg2: True


Singleton decorator for metaclass.
Restrict object to only one instance per runtime.
How to:
from customlib.singletons import singleton

class CfgParser(object):

if __name__ == '__main__':
cfg1 = CfgParser()
cfg2 = CfgParser()

print("*" * 80)
print("cfg1 == cfg2:", cfg1 == cfg2)
print("cfg1 is cfg2:", cfg1 is cfg2)

cfg1 == cfg2: True
cfg1 is cfg2: True


If target starts with the prefix string and prefix is not empty, return string[len(prefix):].
Otherwise, return a copy of the original string.
How to:
from customlib.utils import del_prefix

a = "some cool string"

if __name__ == '__main__':
b = del_prefix(target=a, prefix="some ")
print(b) # --> "cool string"


If target ends with the suffix string and suffix is not empty, return string[:-len(suffix)].
Otherwise, return a copy of the original string.
How to:
from customlib.utils import del_suffix

a = "some cool string"

if __name__ == '__main__':
b = del_suffix(target=a, suffix=" string")
print(b) # --> "some cool"

As of version v6.0.0 the following modules are no longer in this library:

logging (now logpie)
config (now cfgpie)
sqlite (now sqlitepie)

This is still work in progress!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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