cutout-fits 0.0.6

Creator: bradpython12

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cutoutfits 0.0.6


A utility to produce cutouts of FITS images using astropy. Remotely-hosted
FITS images are fully supported using ffspec and s3fs.
From PyPI (stable):
pip install cutout-fits

From git (latest):
pip install git+

The command-line tool can be invoked using cutout-fits entry point. Currently,
spatial cutouts are specified using a centre right ascension and declination
along with a cutout radius. Spectral cutouts are specified with a start and end
frequency range.
Any additional cube dimensions, such as time or Stokes, will simply be included
in the cutout. Further, any non-image HDUs present in the FITS file will also be
simply included in the output file.
$ cutout-fits -h
usage: cutout-fits [-h] [--freq-start FREQ_START] [--freq-end FREQ_END] [-o] [-v] infile outfile ra_deg dec_deg radius_arcmin

Make a cutout of a FITS file

positional arguments:
infile Path to input FITS file - can be a remote URL
outfile Path to output FITS file
ra_deg Centre RA in degrees
dec_deg Centre Dec in degrees
radius_arcmin Cutout radius in arcminutes

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--freq-start FREQ_START
Start frequency in Hz
--freq-end FREQ_END End frequency in Hz
-o, --overwrite Overwrite output file if it exists
-v, --verbosity Increase output verbosity

Further API documentation is provided on read the docs.
Remote files
If accessing a remote file on S3, you'll need to set your access keys. To do
this, fsspec looks for the following environment variables:

This project support using a .env file to store these variables, if needed.
Simply set these variables in a .env files in your current working directory
or set them in your environment if you wish. Be careful not to commit them to


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