cwtune 0.2.2

Creator: coderz1093

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cwtune 0.2.2

# cwtune
## Description
cwtune is an open-source tool developed by []( It addresses the issue of noisy CloudWatch alarms by providing a data-driven approach for selecting better thresholds.
Thresholds for these monitors are usually selected by trial and error, which can lead to unnecessary noise. cwtune uses historical data to backtest and suggest optimized thresholds, ensuring your alarms are tuned to the right level. This reduces unnecessary noise and increases the value of your alerts.
## Requirements
- [aws cli](
- python 3.6+
## Installation
You can install cwtune via pip:
`bash pip install cwtune `
## Usage
After installation, you can run cwtune from the command line:
`bash cwtune `
The tool will then guide you interactively through the process of configuring your CloudWatch alarm.
Alternatively, you can provide command-line arguments to configure the alarm:
`bash cwtune --alarm-type [gt|lt] --period [1|5|60] --statistic [Sum|Average|Min|Max|SampleCount|p50|p95|p99] --region [AWS region] --aws-profile [AWS CLI profile] `
Here’s what each argument does:

–alarm-type: The type of alarm, either greater than (gt) or less than (lt).
–period: The period of the CloudWatch metric in minutes. Can be 1, 5, or 60.
–statistic: The statistic of the CloudWatch metric. Can be Sum, Average, Min, Max, SampleCount, p50, p95 or p99.
–region: The region of the CloudWatch metric. Can be any valid AWS region.
–aws-profile: (Optional) The profile configured in AWS CLI to use for making API calls. Defaults to default.

For example, to configure a greater than alarm with a 1-minute period, using the Sum statistic, in the us-west-1 region, and using the default AWS CLI profile, you would run:
`bash cwtune --alarm-type gt --period 1 --statistic Sum --region us-west-1 --aws-profile default `
## Example Plot
<img width=”1544” alt=”Screen Shot 2023-08-02 at 15 48 45 p m” src=””>
## Contributing
We welcome contributions from the community! If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

Fork the repository on GitHub.
Make your changes in a new branch.
Test your changes to ensure they do not introduce new bugs.
Submit a pull request for review.

## License
cwtune is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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