daenerys 0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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daenerys 0.1

## Getting started```python❯ git clone https://github.com/dongweiming/daenerys❯ cd daenerys❯ virtualenv venv❯ source venv/bin/activate❯ pip install -r requirements.txt# 安装配置Redis和MongoDB❯ cd demo❯ python worker.py # 启动worker(默认5个进程)❯ python beat.py # 新开启一个终端,启动Beat服务生成任务❯ ipython # 发布一个需要获取执行结果的任务In [1]: from messaging import sync_getIn [2]: sync_get('flask')PUT flaskOut[2]:{u'author': u'Armin Ronacher', u'download_url': u'https://pypi.python.org/packages/24/6e/11b9c57e46f276a8a8da85a2fa7ada62b0463b68693616c7ab5df356fa/Flask-0.12.1.tar.gz', u'name': u'flask', u'version': u'0.12.1'}```


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