dapp-manager 0.3.0

Creator: coderz1093

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dappmanager 0.3.0

Golem dApp Manager
dapp-manager is a purposefully minimalistic manager for decentralized applications running on
Golem. It works together with the dapp-runner.
While the responsibility of the latter is to run a single Golem application, dapp-manager takes
care of spawning, interacting with, and stopping the running instances of the dapp-runner.
Quick start
Yagna daemon
As the dapp-manager uses the dapp-runner, which in turn requires a properly configured
yagna daemon, you'll need to have it set up.
For now, please follow the "Requestor development: a quick primer"
tutorial and ensure that your yagna is up and running. Only the first part of this
tutorial is required - you don't need to run the blender example.
Most importantly, make sure you have set the YAGNA_APPKEY in your environment, e.g. with:
export YAGNA_APPKEY=insert-your-32-char-app-key-here

or, on Windows:
set YAGNA_APPKEY=insert-your-32-char-app-key-here

and if you don't know what your app-key is, you can always query yagna with:
yagna app-key list

Python environment
First, ensure you have Python 3.8 or later:
python3 --version

[ depending on the platform, it may be just python instead of python3 ]
If your Python version is older, consider using pyenv.
Once your python interpreter reports a version 3.8 or later, you can set up your virtual
python3 -m venv ~/.envs/dapp-manager
source ~/.envs/dapp-manager/bin/activate

or, if you're on Windows:
python -m venv --clear %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.envs\dapp-manager

DApp manager
Clone the repository
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/golemfactory/dapp-manager.git

Install the dependencies
cd dapp-manager
pip install -U pip poetry
poetry install

Run an example application
Make sure your yagna daemon is running,
you have initialized the payment driver with yagna payment init --sender,
and that you have set the YAGNA_APPKEY environment variable.
Then run:
dapp-manager start --config sample_config.yml dapp-store/apps/webapp.yaml

The app is started in a background dapp-runner process, and you're returned an application ID in
the form of a hexadecimal string. You can use this ID to query the state and other output streams
using dapp-manager's read command, e.g.:
dapp-manager read <the-hex-string> state

will display the contents of the state stream of the running app:
{"db": {"0": "pending"}}
{"db": {"0": "starting"}}
{"db": {"0": "running"}}
{"db": {"0": "running"}, "http": {"0": "pending"}}
{"db": {"0": "running"}, "http": {"0": "starting"}}

In case something goes amiss, dapp-manager will output:
App <the-hex-string> is not running.
Whatever the reason, you can still query the various streams of a terminated dapp by adding the
--no-ensure-alive option, e.g.:
dapp-manager read <the-hex-string> --no-ensure-alive stderr

Full usage
Usage: dapp-manager [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--help Show this message and exit.

autocomplete Enable CLI shell completion for the given shell.
kill Stop the given app forcibly.
list List known app IDs (both active and dead).
prune Remove data for non-running apps.
read Read output from the given app.
start Start a new app using the provided descriptor and config...
stop Stop the given app gracefully.

The start command launches a new instance of the dapp-runner in a background process and
returns the hexadecimal string that is the identifier of the running dapp-runner instance.
Usage: dapp-manager start [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTORS...

Start a new app using the provided descriptor and config files.

-c, --config PATH Path to the file containing yagna-specific config.
--help Show this message and exit.

Importantly, it requires a config file which contains the parameters used to connect to the yagna
daemon and initialize the requestor engine. We're providing a default, sample configuration as
sample_config.yml in the root of the dapp-manager repository.
Of course, it also requires one or more descriptor files that are used by the dapp-runner to
deploy the specified applications on Golem.
Stop / Kill
The stop and kill commands terminate the given dapp-runner instance, the main difference
being the signal that's sent to do that. Essentially, stop should be enough and should give the
dapp-runner a chance to shut the app down gracefully, correctly terminating the services,
closing the agreements and paying for them.
In case stop is stuck for whatever reason, you might want to resort to kill which terminates
the dapp-runner immediately without allowing for any graceful shutdown.
The list command shows the identifiers of all the previously-started apps, whether they're still
running or not.
prune causes dapp-manager to remove the data for those apps that it had previously identified as
defunct. Consequently, those apps will no longer appear on the list.
Unless an app has been explicitly stopped with a stop or kill command, the dapp-manager
will not purge it until it has had a chance to notice the termination, e.g. by issuing a read
command to the defunct app.
The read command outputs the full contents of the specified stream. There are five streams as
specified by the usage below:
Usage: dapp-manager read [OPTIONS] APP_ID [state|data|log|stdout|stderr]

Read output from the given app.

--ensure-alive / --no-ensure-alive
-f, --follow
--help Show this message and exit.

By default, the stream will only be output if the app is currently running. Otherwise, you'll get
the App <the-hex-string> is not running. message and no stream.
If you wish to query a stream of a terminated app, add the --no-ensure-alive parameter to the
specific read command.
Shell completion
This program supports shell completion for all of its commands, as well as existing dApp IDs (where applicable).
To enable completion, use the autocomplete command with your shell of choice:

dapp-manager autocomplete bash

dapp-manager autocomplete zsh

dapp-manager autocomplete fish

The completion functions are defined in dapp_manager/autocomplete/scripts.
Should the entrypoint name ever change, those files will need to be updated as well.
WARNING Completion will NOT WORK when autocomplete is invoked with python -m dapp_manager.
Only the installed entrypoint (i.e. dapp-manager) is supported. To have it available, run poetry install.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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