dar-backup 0.5.13

Creator: bradpython12

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darbackup 0.5.13

Full, differential or incremental backups using 'dar'
The wonderful 'dar' [Disk Archiver] (https://github.com/Edrusb/DAR) is used for
the heavy lifting, together with the par2 suite in these scripts.
My use case
I have cloud storage mounted on a directory within my home dir. The filesystem is FUSE based, which gives it a few special features

a non-privileged user (me :-)) can perform a mount
a privileged user cannot look into the filesystem --> a backup script running as root is not suitable

I needed the following:

Backup my cloud storage to something local (cloud is convenient, but I want control over my backups)
Backup primarily photos, video and different types of documents
Have a simple non-complicated way of restoring, possibly years into the future. 'dar' fits that scenario with a single statically linked binary (kept with the archives). There is no need install/configure anything - restoring is simple and works well.
During backup archives must be tested and a restore test (however small) performed
Archives stored on a server with a reliable file system (easy to mount a directory over sshfs)
Easy to verify archive's integrity, after being moved around.

I do not need the encryption features of dar, as all storage is already encrypted.
These scripts are licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Read more here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html, or have a look at the "LICENSE" file in this repository.
As of August 8, 2024 I am using the alpha versions of dar-backup (alpha-0.5.9 onwards) in my automated backup routine
Homepage - Github
This 'dar-backup' package lives at: https://github.com/per2jensen/dar-backup
This python version is v2 of dar-backup, the first is made in bash.

python3 :-)

On Ubuntu, install the requirements this way:
sudo apt install dar par2 python3

Config file
The default configuration is expected here: ~/.config/dar-backup/dar-backup.conf
How to run
Config file default location is $HOME/.config/dar-backup/dar-backup.conf

BACKUP_DIR = /home/user/mnt/dir/
BACKUP.D_DIR = /home/user/.config/dar-backup/backup.d/
TEST_RESTORE_DIR = /tmp/dar-backup/restore/

# age settings are in days
DIFF_AGE = 100

# False means "do not generate par2 redundancy files"

# SCRIPT_1 = /home/user/programmer/dar-backup/prereq/mount-server.sh
# SCRIPT_2 = <something>
# ...

# SCRIPT_1 = /home/user/programmer/dar-backup/postreq/umount-server.sh
# SCRIPT_2 = <something>
# ...

Put your backup definitions in the directory $BACKUP.D_DIR (defined in the config file)
The name of the file is the backup definition name.
Make as many backup definitions as you need. Run them all in one go, or run one at a time using the -d option.
The dar documentation has good information on file selection.
Example of backup definition for a home directory

# Switch to ordered selection mode, which means that the following
# options will be considered top to bottom

# Backup Root dir
-R /home/user

# Directories to backup below the Root dir
# if you want to take a backup of /home/user/Documents only, uncomment next line
# -g Documents

# Some directories to exclude below the Root dir
-P mnt
-P tmp
-P .cache
-P .config/Code/CachedData
-P .config/Code/Cache
-P ".config/Code/Service Worker"
-P .config/Code/logs
-P snap/firefox/common/.cache

# compression level

# no overwrite, if you rerun a backup, 'dar' halts and asks what to do (and Quits due to the "-Q" given by dar-backup)

# size of each slice in the archive
--slice 10G

# see https://github.com/per2jensen/dar-backup?tab=readme-ov-file#restore-test-exit-code-4

# bypass directores marked as cache directories
# http://dar.linux.free.fr/doc/Features.html

Installation is currently in a venv. These commands are installed in the venv:


To install, create a venv and run pip:
mkdir $HOME/tmp
cd $HOME/tmp
python3 -m venv venv # create the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual env
pip install dar-backup # run pip to install `dar-backup`

I have an alias in ~/.bashrc pointing to my venv:
alias db=". ~/tmp/venv/bin/activate; dar-backup -v"

Typing db at the command line gives this
(venv) user@machine:~$ db
dar-backup alpha-0.5.12
dar-backup.py source code is here: https://github.com/per2jensen/dar-backup
Licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3, see the supplied file "LICENSE" for details.
See section 15 and section 16 in the supplied "LICENSE" file.

dar-backup -h gives the usage output:
(venv) user@machine:~$ dar-backup -h

usage: dar-backup [-h] [-F] [-D] [-I] [-d BACKUP_DEFINITION] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--darrc DARRC] [--examples] [-l] [--list-contents LIST_CONTENTS]
[--selection SELECTION] [-r RESTORE] [--restore-dir RESTORE_DIR] [--verbose] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--do-not-compare] [-v]

Backup and verify using dar backup definitions.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-F, --full-backup Perform a full backup.
-D, --differential-backup
Perform differential backup.
-I, --incremental-backup
Perform incremental backup.
Specific 'recipe' to select directories and files.
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Path to 'dar-backup.conf'
--darrc DARRC Optional path to .darrc
--examples Examples of using dar-backup.py.
-l, --list List available archives.
--list-contents LIST_CONTENTS
List the contents of the specified archive.
--selection SELECTION
dar file selection for listing/restoring specific files/directories.
-r RESTORE, --restore RESTORE
Restore specified archive.
--restore-dir RESTORE_DIR
Directory to restore files to.
--verbose Print various status messages to screen
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
`debug` or `trace`
--do-not-compare do not compare restores to file system
-v, --version Show version information.

You are ready to do backups of all your backup definitions, if your backup definitions are
in place in BACKUP.D_DIR (see config file)
dar-backup --full-backup

or a backup of a single definition
dar-backup --full-backup -d <your backup definition>

Deactivate the virtual environment

The package includes a default .darrc file which configures dar.
You can override the default .darrc using the --darrc option.
The default .darrc contents are as follows:
# .darrc configuration file for `dar` as used by the `dar-backup` script.
# `dar-backup` lives here: https://github.com/per2jensen/dar-backup


# target: verbose

# remove comments belov for dar being more verbose


# shows files teated due to filtering inclusion or no filtering at all

# -vt

# shows skipped files du to exclusion

# -vs

# shows diretory currently being processed
# -vd

# shows detailed messages, not related to files and directories
# -vm

# shows summary of each treated directory, including average compression
# -vf

# equivalent to "-vm -vs -vt"
# -va

# don't restore File Specific Attributes
#--fsa-scope none

# ignore owner, useful when used by a non-privileged user

# First setting case insensitive mode on:

# Exclude specific file types from compression
-Z "*.gz"
-Z "*.bz2"
-Z "*.xz"
-Z "*.zip"
-Z "*.rar"
-Z "*.7z"
-Z "*.tar"
-Z "*.tgz"
-Z "*.tbz2"
-Z "*.txz"
# Exclude common image file types from compression
-Z "*.jpg"
-Z "*.jpeg"
-Z "*.png"
-Z "*.gif"
-Z "*.bmp"
-Z "*.tiff"
-Z "*.svg"
-Z "*.ico"
-Z "*.webp"
# The author uses Nikon compressed NEFs raw files
-Z "*.NEF"
# Exclude common movie file types from compression
-Z "*.mp4"
-Z "*.avi"
-Z "*.mkv"
-Z "*.mov"
-Z "*.wmv"
-Z "*.flv"
-Z "*.mpeg"
-Z "*.mpg"

# These are zip files. Not all are compressed, but considering that they can
# get quite large it is probably more prudent to leave this uncommented.
-Z "*.pk3"
-Z "*.zip"

-Z "*.lz4"
-Z "*.zoo"

-Z "*.Po"
-Z "*.aar"
-Z "*.bx"
-Z "*.chm"
-Z "*.doc"
-Z "*.epub"
-Z "*.f3d"
-Z "*.gpg"
-Z "*.htmlz"
-Z "*.iix"
-Z "*.iso"
-Z "*.jin"
-Z "*.ods"
-Z "*.odt"
-Z "*.ser"
-Z "*.svgz"
-Z "*.swx"
-Z "*.sxi"
-Z "*.whl"
-Z "*.wings"

# Dar archives (may be compressed).
-Z "*.dar"

# Now we swap back to case sensitive mode for masks which is the default

Systemctl examples
I have dar-backup scheduled to run via systemd --user settings.
The files are located in: ~/.config/systemd/user
Once the .service and .timer files are in place, timers must be enabled and started.
systemctl --user enable dar-inc-backup.timer
systemctl --user start dar-inc-backup.timer
systemctl --user daemon-reload

Verify your timers are set up as you want:
systemctl --user list-timers

Service: dar-back --incremental-backup
File: dar-inc-backup.service
Description=dar-backup INC
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '. /home/user/programmer/dar-backup.py/venv/bin/activate && dar-backup --incremental-backup --verbose'

Timer: dar-back --incremental-backup
File: dar-inc-backup.timer
Description=dar-backup INC timer

OnCalendar=*-*-04/3 19:03:00


list contents of an archive
. <the virtual evn>/bin/activate
dar-backup --list-contents example --selection "-X '*.xmp' -I '*2024-06-16*' -g home/pj/tmp/LUT-play"

[Data ][D][ EA ][FSA][Compr][S]| Permission | User | Group | Size | Date | filename
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxr-xr-x root root 113 Mio Sat May 11 16:16:48 2024 home
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 10:46:30 2024 home/pj
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 09:17:42 2024 home/pj/tmp
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 1%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 50 Mio Wed Jun 19 20:52:13 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 0%][X] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 49 Mio Sun Jun 16 12:52:22 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15.NEF

dar file selection exmaples
select a directory
dar -l /tmp/example_FULL_2024-06-23 -g home/pj/tmp/LUT-play

[Data ][D][ EA ][FSA][Compr][S]| Permission | User | Group | Size | Date | filename
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxr-xr-x root root 113 Mio Sat May 11 16:16:48 2024 home
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 10:46:30 2024 home/pj
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 09:17:42 2024 home/pj/tmp
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 1%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 50 Mio Wed Jun 19 20:52:13 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 0%][X] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 49 Mio Sun Jun 16 12:52:22 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15.NEF
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 48 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:24 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 50 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:25 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_01.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 51 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:26 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_02.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 51 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:27 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_03.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 51 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:27 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_04.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 97%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 77 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:16 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_05.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 52 kio Sat Jun 22 21:49:37 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_06.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:47 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_07.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:12 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_08.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:12 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_09.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:39 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_10.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:36 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_11.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:35 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_12.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 88%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 15 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:11 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_13.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 96%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 84 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:09 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_14.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 96%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 90 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:04 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_15.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:15 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_16.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:48 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_17.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:19 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_18.NEF.xmp

select file dates in the directory:
dar -l /tmp/example_FULL_2024-06-23 -I '*2024-06-16*' -g home/pj/tmp/LUT-play

[Data ][D][ EA ][FSA][Compr][S]| Permission | User | Group | Size | Date | filename
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxr-xr-x root root 113 Mio Sat May 11 16:16:48 2024 home
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 10:46:30 2024 home/pj
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 09:17:42 2024 home/pj/tmp
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 1%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 50 Mio Wed Jun 19 20:52:13 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 0%][X] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 49 Mio Sun Jun 16 12:52:22 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15.NEF
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 48 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:24 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 50 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:25 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_01.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 51 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:26 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_02.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 51 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:27 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_03.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 51 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:27 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_04.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 97%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 77 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:16 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_05.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 95%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 52 kio Sat Jun 22 21:49:37 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_06.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:47 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_07.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:12 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_08.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:12 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_09.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:39 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_10.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:36 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_11.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:35 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_12.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 88%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 15 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:11 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_13.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 96%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 84 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:09 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_14.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 96%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 90 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:04 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_15.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:51:15 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_16.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:48 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_17.NEF.xmp
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 92%][ ] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 24 kio Sat Jun 22 21:50:19 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15_18.NEF.xmp

exclude .xmp files from that date
dar -l /tmp/example_FULL_2024-06-23 -X '*.xmp' -I '*2024-06-16*' -g home/pj/tmp/LUT-play

[Data ][D][ EA ][FSA][Compr][S]| Permission | User | Group | Size | Date | filename
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxr-xr-x root root 113 Mio Sat May 11 16:16:48 2024 home
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 10:46:30 2024 home/pj
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 0%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 113 Mio Sun Jun 23 09:17:42 2024 home/pj/tmp
[Saved][-] [-L-][ 1%][ ] drwxrwxr-x pj pj 50 Mio Wed Jun 19 20:52:13 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play
[Saved][ ] [-L-][ 0%][X] -rw-rw-r-- pj pj 49 Mio Sun Jun 16 12:52:22 2024 home/pj/tmp/LUT-play/2024-06-16_12:52:22,15.NEF

Nice :-)
a single file
. <the virtual env>/bin/activate
# the path/to/file is relative to the Root when the backup was taken
dar-backup --restore <archive_name> --selection "-g path/to/file"

.NEF from a specific date
. <the virtual env>/bin/activate
# the path/to/file is relative to the Root when the backup was taken
dar-backup --restore <archive_name> --selection "-X '*.xmp' -I '*2024-06-16*' -g home/pj/tmp/LUT-play"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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