datalookup 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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datalookup 1.0.1

The Datalookup library makes it easier to filter and manipulate your data. The
module is inspired by the Django Queryset Api and it’s lookups.

$ pip install datalookup

Throughout the below examples, we’ll refer to the following data,
which comprise a list of authors with the books they wrote.
data = [
"id": 1,
"author": "J. K. Rowling",
"books": [
"name": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets",
"genre": "Fantasy",
"published": "1998"
"name": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban",
"genre": "Fantasy",
"published": "1999"
"id": 2,
"author": "Agatha Christie",
"books": [
"name": "And Then There Were None",
"genre": "Mystery",
"published": "1939"
Datalookup makes it easy to find an author by calling one of the methods
of the Dataset class like filter() or exclude(). There
are multiple ways to retrieve an author.

Basic filtering
Use one of the field of your author dictionary to filter your data.
from datalookup import Dataset

# Use Dataset to manipulate and filter your data
books = Dataset(data)

# Retrieve an author using the author name
authors = books.filter(author="J. K. Rowling")
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

# Retrieve an author using '__in' lookup
authors = books.filter(id__in=[2, 3])
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "Agatha Christie"

# Retrieve an author using 'exclude' and '__contains' lookup
authors = books.exclude(author__contains="Christie")
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

Related field filtering
Use a related field like books separated by a __ (double-underscore)
and a field of the books. Something like books__name.
# Retrieve an author using the date when the book was published
authors = books.filter(books__published="1939")
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "Agatha Christie"

# Retrieve an author using '__regex' lookup
authors = books.filter(books__name__regex=".*Potter.*")
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

AND, OR - filtering
Keyword argument queries - in filter(), etc. - are “AND”ed together.
If you need to execute more complex queries (for example, queries with OR statements),
you can combine two filter request with “|”.
# Retrieve an author using multiple filters with a single request (AND). This
# filter use the '__icontains' lookup. Same as '__contains' but case-insensitive
authors = books.filter(books__name__icontains="and", books__genre="Fantasy")
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

# Retrieve an author by combining filters (OR)
authors = books.filter(author="Stephane Capponi") | books.filter(
author="J. K. Rowling"
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

Filter nested related field
The library provides also a way to filter nested relationship. This means that you
can make requests to only retrieve books in the author collection. Or you can
use that output to filter the authors.
# filter_related is the method to use to filter all related nodes
related_books = books.filter_related('books', genre="Mystery")
assert len(related_books) == 1
assert related_books[0].name == "And Then There Were None"

# You can also use filter_related to filter authors.
authors = books.filter(
books=books.filter_related('books', name__regex=".*Potter.*")
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

Cascade filtering
Sometimes you will want to filter the author but also the related books.
It is possible to do that by calling the on_cascade() method before filtering.
# Filter the author but also the books of the author
authors = books.on_cascade().filter(
books__name="Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"
assert len(authors) == 1
assert authors[0].author == "J. K. Rowling"

# The books are also filtered
assert len(authors[0].books) == 1
assert authors[0].books[0].name == "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

List of available lookups
Field lookups are used to specify how a the dataset should query the results it returns.
They’re specified as keyword arguments to the Dataset methods
filter() and exclude(). Basic lookups keyword arguments
take the form “field__lookuptype=value”. (That’s a double-underscore).
As a convenience when no lookup type is provided (like in
books.filter(id=1)) the lookup type is assumed to be exact.
# author is one of the field of the dictionary
# '__contains' is the lookup

Case-insensitive lookup

Exact match

Containment test

Starts with a specific string

Ends with a specific string

Regular expression match


In a given iterable; strings (being iterables) are accepted


Grater than


Greater that or equal


Lower than


Lower than or equal to


Range between two values. Integer only


Check that a field is null. Takes either True or False


Check data is a subset of the passed values. ArrayField only


Data shares any results with the passed values. ArrayField only


Check length of the array. ArrayField only

Datalookup does not stop here. The full documentation is in the docs
directory or online at

Anyone can contribute to Datalookup’s development. Checkout our documentation on how to
get involved:

Copyright Stephane Capponi and others, 2023
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, Datalookup is free and
open source software.
Datalookup was inspired by Django and only the RegisterLookupMixin was
copied. Everything else was inspired and re-interpreted.
You can find the license of Django in the licenses folder.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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