datarules 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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datarules 0.2.0

Goal and motivation
The idea of this project is to define rules to validate and correct datasets.
Whenever possible, it does this in a vectorized way, which makes this library fast.
Reasons to make this:

Implement an alternative to based on python and pandas.
Implement both validation and correction. Most existing packages provide validation only.
Support a rule based way of data processing. The rules can be maintained in a separate file (python or yaml) if required.
Apply vectorization to make processing fast.

This package provides two operations on data:

checks (if data is correct). Also knows as validations.
corrections (how to fix incorrect data)

from datarules import check

def check_almost_square(width, height):
return (width - height).abs() <= 4

@check(tags=["P3", "completeness"])
def check_not_too_deep(depth):
return depth <= 2

In your main code:
import pandas as pd
from datarules import CheckList

df = pd.DataFrame([
{"width": 3, "height": 7},
{"width": 3, "height": 5, "depth": 1},
{"width": 3, "height": 8},
{"width": 3, "height": 3},
{"width": 3, "height": -2, "depth": 4},

checks = CheckList.from_file('')
report =

name condition items passes fails NAs error warnings
0 check_almost_square check_almost_square(width, height) 5 3 2 0 None 0
1 check_not_too_deep check_not_too_deep(depth) 5 1 4 0 None 0

from datarules import correction
from checks import check_almost_square

def make_square(width, height):
return {"height": height + (width - height) / 2}

In your main code:
from datarules import CorrectionList

corrections = CorrectionList.from_file('')
report =

name condition action applied error warnings
0 make_square check_almost_square.fails(width, height) make_square(width, height) 2 None 0

Similar work (python)
These work on pandas, but only do validation:

Pandera - Like us, their checks are also vectorized.
Pandantic - Combination of validation and parsing based on pydantic.

The following offer validation only, but none of them seem to be vectorized or support pandas directly.

Great Expectations - An overengineered library for validation that has confusing documentation.
contessa - Meant to be used against databases.
pyruler - Dead project that is rule-based.
pyrules - Dead project that supports rule based corrections (but no validation).

Similar work (R)
This project is inspired by
Similar functionality can be found in the following R packages:

validate - Checking data (implemented)
dcmodify - Correcting data (implemented)
errorlocate - Identifying and removing errors (not yet implemented)
deductive - Deductivate correction based on checks (not yet implemented)

Features found in one of the packages above but not implemented here, might eventually make it into this package too.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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