dataspike 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

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dataspike 0.1.2

Dataspike python client library
The official wrapper for Dataspike API
pip install dataspike
Getting started
Library offers well typed async API powered by pydantic and aiohttp.
from dataspike import *

async with Api("<YOUR_API_TOKEN>") as api:
verification = await api.verification.create(checks=[CheckType.Passport, CheckType.Selfie])
await api.document.upload(verification.applicant_id, DocumentType.Passport, open('passport.jpg', 'rb'))
await api.document.upload(verification.applicant_id, DocumentType.Selfie, open('selfie.jpg', 'rb'))
await api.verification.proceed(
applicants = await api.applicant.list()
verifications = await api.verification.list()

Full reference and documentation about available resources
can be found at our official documentation
Currently library provides following resources

AML api.aml
Applicant api.applicant
Verification api.verification
SDK api.sdk
Documents api.document

Library uses aiohttp ClientSession.
To pass timeouts use keyword arguments which will passed to ClientSession constructor
Check out aiohttp client reference for details.
from dataspike import Api
async with Api('<API_TOKEN>', read_timeout=2) as api:


pydantic.ValidationError is raised when type parameters not match with expected for API func.
asyncio.TimeoutError is raised if a timeout occurs.
dataspike.errors.UnexpectedResponseStatus is raised whenever dataspike returns unexpected response status.

Sync API wrapper
We recommend use async api directly. But if you really want to use sync api
library offers SyncApi wrapper. Take note it build on top of async API
and still use asyncio under the hood.
from dataspike import SyncApi
with SyncApi("<API_TOKEN>") as api:
applicants = api.applicant.list()


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