d2b-nth-of-type 1.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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d2bnthoftype 1.0.1


Plugin for the d2b package to deterministically uniquify different acquisition runs
pip install d2b-nth-of-type

Getting Started
This plugin will inject properties into each JSON sidecar which distinguish different runs from one another, which can subsequently be used in criteria specifications in d2b config files.
Specifically, this plugin will inject a property, __nth_of_type__, into each JSON sidecar. The value of this property is a 0-indexed integer.
This plugin groups acquisitions and gives each run in the group a unique (0-indexed) label, incrementing in the specified order.
By default, acquisitions are grouped by SeriesDescription and are ordered by SeriesNumber (in ascending order).
For example, if a subject has a session in which 3 fieldmaps are acquired, and say, for example, the 3 sidecars (truncated) are of the form:

fieldmap 1:
"SeriesDescription": "my_fmap",
"SeriesNumber": 3

fieldmap 2:
"SeriesDescription": "my_fmap",
"SeriesNumber": 16

fieldmap 3:
"SeriesDescription": "my_fmap",
"SeriesNumber": 24

Then, when running d2b run with this plugin installed, this plugin will inject __nth_of_type__ into each sidecar, resulting in sidecars (truncated) which look like:

fieldmap 1:
"SeriesDescription": "my_fmap",
"SeriesNumber": 3,
"__nth_of_type__": 0

fieldmap 2:
"SeriesDescription": "my_fmap",
"SeriesNumber": 16,
"__nth_of_type__": 1

fieldmap 3:
"SeriesDescription": "my_fmap",
"SeriesNumber": 24,
"__nth_of_type__": 2

The utility is that these values will be invariant under changes to SeriesNumber.
So, if the "first" fmap is intended for a BOLD acquisition, and the "second" fmap is intended for a PCASL acquisition, we can safely pick-out each fmap using the __nth_of_type__ field.
For example, we could have a d2b configuration file of the following form (NOTE: d2b-yaml plugin required for yaml config files, and you probably also want the d2b-asl plugin for ASL data):
# BOLD Resting State
- id: my-bold-rs
dataType: func
modalityLabel: bold
customLabels: task-rest

# ...

- id: my-pcasl
dataType: perf
modalityLabel: asl
acq: pcasl

# ...
# ...

# FIRST FMAP - for BOLD - phase encoding = AP
- dataType: fmap
modalityLabel: epi
dir: AP
- my-bold-rs
ManufacturersModelName: Prisma_fit
SidecarFilename: "*SpinEchoFieldMap_AP*"
__nth_of_type__: 0 # <-- HERE

# FIRST FMAP - for BOLD - phase encoding = PA
- dataType: fmap
modalityLabel: epi
dir: PA
- my-bold-rs
ManufacturersModelName: Prisma_fit
SidecarFilename: "*SpinEchoFieldMap_PA*"
__nth_of_type__: 0 # <-- HERE

# SECOND FMAP - for PCASL - phase encoding = AP
- dataType: fmap
modalityLabel: epi
dir: AP
- my-pcasl
ManufacturersModelName: Prisma_fit
SidecarFilename: "*SpinEchoFieldMap_AP*"
__nth_of_type__: 1 # <-- HERE

# SECOND FMAP - for PCASL - phase encoding = PA
- dataType: fmap
modalityLabel: epi
dir: PA
- my-pcasl
ManufacturersModelName: Prisma_fit
SidecarFilename: "*SpinEchoFieldMap_PA*"
__nth_of_type__: 1 # <-- HERE

This plugin can be configured by via options to the d2b run command or via the environment:

--nth-of-type-enabled | --nth-of-type-disabled
Enable or disable this plugin. (default: enabled)
Can also be configured via the D2B_NTH_OF_TYPE_ENABLED environment variable. The command line argument takes precedence over the environment variable.

--nth-of-type-sort-by <string>
Which sidecar field to sort the acquisitions by (default: SeriesNumber:asc).
To sort in descending order append :desc onto the fieldname, ex: SeriesNumber:desc. If no direction/ordering suffix (:asc/:desc) is present then the acquisitions are sorted in ascending order.
Can also be configured via the D2B_NTH_OF_TYPE_SORT_BY environment variable. The command line argument takes precedence over the environment variable.

--nth-of-type-group-by <string>
Which sidecar field(s) to group acquisitions by (default: SeriesDescription).
To group by more then one field pass a comma separated list, ex: SeriesDescription,RepetitionTime
Can also be configured via the D2B_NTH_OF_TYPE_GROUP_BY environment variable. The command line argument takes precedence over the environment variable.


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Commit your changes + push to your fork
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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