d3gem 0.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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d3gem 0.2.1

For harnessing those Flawless Square Emeralds

d3gem is a very simple utility tool for helping with Diablo 3 gem crafting.
What it does is calculating whether you have enough lesser gems to make few greater ones,
and how many you are missing (or will have left).

Use pip to get the d3gem command in your shell:
$ pip install d3gem
Or just download the package and run d3gem.py directly (e.g. with python ./d3gem.py).

Specify which gem(s) you are trying to make and you will see how many Flawless Square ones
you will need for that:
$ d3gem 1fst
You DON'T have enough lesser gems to make 1 Flawless Star gem(s).
The equivalent of 81 Flawless Square gem(s) is missing for that.
You can also say gems what you already have in stock, so that you’ll see how many
you are still missing to perform your craft:
$ d3gem 1fst -s 20fsq,1rsq,1st
You DON'T have enough lesser gems to make 1 Flawless Star gem(s).
The equivalent of 25 Flawless Square gem(s) is missing for that.
or, alternatively, how many you’ll have left:
$ d3gem 1st -s 20fsq,1rsq
You DO have enough lesser gems to make 1 Star gem(s).
Afterwards you will still have the equivalent of 2 Flawless Square gem(s).
Type d3gem --help to get the list of gem class abbrevations.


Make target gems optional and show what’s the highest gem you can craft with given stock
and how many more you need for even higher class
Maybe store stock in config file?…

Suggestions and pull requests welcome :)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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