dict-from-pypinyin 0.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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dictfrompypinyin 0.0.2


Command-line interface (CLI) to create a pronunciation dictionary by looking up pinyin transcriptions using pypinyin including the possibility of ignoring punctuation and splitting words on hyphens before transcribing them.
pip install dict-from-pypinyin --user


# Create example vocabulary
cat > /tmp/vocabulary.txt << EOF

# Create dictionary from vocabulary
dict-from-pypinyin-cli \
/tmp/vocabulary.txt \
/tmp/result.dict \

cat /tmp/result.dict

社会语言学? shè huì yǔ yán xué ?
社会语言学? shè huì yǔ yàn xué ?
社会语言学? shè huì yǔ yín xué ?
社会语言学? shè huì yù yán xué ?
社会语言学? shè huì yù yàn xué ?
社会语言学? shè huì yù yín xué ?
社会语言学? shè kuài yǔ yán xué ?
社会语言学? shè kuài yǔ yàn xué ?
社会语言学? shè kuài yǔ yín xué ?
社会语言学? shè kuài yù yán xué ?
社会语言学? shè kuài yù yàn xué ?
社会语言学? shè kuài yù yín xué ?
㐻, nèi ,
『㑐 『 shū
鲜-亮。 xiān - liàng 。
鲜-亮。 xiān - liáng 。
鲜-亮。 xiǎn - liàng 。
鲜-亮。 xiǎn - liáng 。
『占斌? 『 zhàn bīn ?
『占斌? 『 zhān bīn ?
『占斌? 『 tiē bīn ?
『机具-机呀? 『 jī jù - jī ya ?
『机具-机呀? 『 jī jù - jī yā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 jī jù - jī xiā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 jī jù - wèi ya ?
『机具-机呀? 『 jī jù - wèi yā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 jī jù - wèi xiā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 wèi jù - jī ya ?
『机具-机呀? 『 wèi jù - jī yā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 wèi jù - jī xiā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 wèi jù - wèi ya ?
『机具-机呀? 『 wèi jù - wèi yā ?
『机具-机呀? 『 wèi jù - wèi xiā ?

Development setup
# update
sudo apt update
# install Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 & 3.11 for ensuring that tests can be run
sudo apt install python3-pip \
python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-distutils python3.8-venv \
python3.9 python3.9-dev python3.9-distutils python3.9-venv \
python3.10 python3.10-dev python3.10-distutils python3.10-venv \
python3.11 python3.11-dev python3.11-distutils python3.11-venv \
python3.12 python3.12-dev python3.12-distutils python3.12-venv
# install pipenv for creation of virtual environments
python3.8 -m pip install pipenv --user

# check out repo
git clone https://github.com/stefantaubert/dict-from-pypinyin.git
cd dict-from-pypinyin
# create virtual environment
python3.8 -m pipenv install --dev

Running the tests
# first install the tool like in "Development setup"
# then, navigate into the directory of the repo (if not already done)
cd dict-from-pypinyin
# activate environment
python3.8 -m pipenv shell
# run tests

Final lines of test result output:
py38: commands succeeded
py39: commands succeeded
py310: commands succeeded
py311: commands succeeded
py312: commands succeeded
congratulations :)

MIT License
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 416228727 – CRC 1410
If you want to cite this repo, you can use this BibTeX-entry generated by GitHub (see About => Cite this repository).
Taubert, S. (2024). dict-from-pypinyin (Version 0.0.2) [Computer software]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10554720


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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