didit 0.3.0dev

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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didit 0.3.0dev

The Problem

Timeclocks are too cumbersome – just keep track of the things I did.

In my job, I tend to do a lot of development which involves losing track of
time and getting lost in other peoples’ code.
I also happen to do user support which involves reacting to received
emails, phone calls, and disturbances I notice on our systems.
Every two weeks, I have to report on “what I’ve been doing for the past two
weeks” and tend to forget everything of importance (who I helped which
actually translates to who owes us something) and only remember all the
things that are really important to me – my code.
All the time tracking tools I investigated (including the online ones and even the command line ones (this one was the coolest)) were too
cumbersome. I didn’t want to keep track of exactly how much time I spent
doing X, Y, and Z, I didn’t want to remember to punch in and out of my own
workspace. Thus, I wrote didit one afternoon.


Simple, CLI, and doesn’t impose timeclock behavior on your otherwise
flexible self.
Respects .rst markup just like pypi and python.
Will look for an $EDITOR environment variable when it needs one.
Keeps its database(s) in python shelve files in a ~/.didit/
folder making it easy to reference your done-deals from other python
code should you want to.

There are too many tools like this out there. This one isn’t a game-changer,
but its about as simple as can be.
I hope you like it.

% sudo pip install diddit

% didit-remember -c work -m 'Wrote `diddit`. Thank god.'
% didit-remember --message 'Helped L. User parallelize his ``Mathematica`` code.'
% didit-remember -c personal # <-- This launches `vim` for me!

% didit-report --categories=work,general,personal
- Wrote `diddit`. Thank god.

- Helped L. User parallelize his ``Mathematica`` code.

- Drank a beer.
One of the benefits of .rst:
% didit-report --days=7 -c work > thisweek.rst && rst2pdf thisweek.rst

Get the source
…from my github account and make it better!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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