digcnv 0.4.14

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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digcnv 0.4.14


A machine learning model to quality control genotyped CNVs
False CNVs bring noise to analysis and could distort a diagnosis.
CNV calling produce false negative and positive identifications.
To remove false negative it's recommended to use multiple CNV caller at a time.
So we present here, a statistical approach to clean CNV results coming from two calling algorithms,
PennCNV or QuantiSNP
This machine learning can be used in two different ways:

a first one-line script to annotate any new CNVs on our pre-trained model. Trained on 38,000 CNVs coming from 7 different genotyping technologies.
This model have AUC > 90% for most technologies (already trained-on or new technologies)
a second approach line by line to train and test our machine learning model on your own visualized dataset and performe some statistics.

DigCNV models

Model presented in IAMDRS congress available at: https://murena.io/s/xEsyae6gxfMEnWJ
Most up-to-date model available at https://murena.io/s/xEsyae6gxfMEnWJ

Classify CNVs with one line
# To run only once to install package
pip install digcnv

python3 -m digcnv [-v] <Path to config file>

Config file
Example of config file needed for the one line execution. Example can be download with function getConfigFileExample(output_path)
pc_output_path = Path to the PennCNV output file
pc_qc_path = Path to the PennCNV microarray quality file
qs_output_path = Path to the QuantiSNP output file

Save_to_file = True
Output_path = /home/thomas/Documents/scripts/DigCNV/temp_data/DigCNV_pred.tsv

model_path": Path of the downloaded model. Available at :

Run DigCNV with more options
Prepare data
from digcnv import CNVision, dataPreparation

# Import and merge CNV coming from two CNV calling algorthims (only PennCNV and QuantiSNP in this version)
cnvs = CNVision.mergeMultipleCNVCallingOutputs("<list of PennCNV and QuantiSNP output pathways>", ["PennCNV", "QuantiSNP"])

# Add microarray quality data to the list of CNVs
cnvs = dataPreparation.addMicroArrayQualityData(cnvs, "<path to the PennCNV microarray quality file>")

# Compute derived features and add it to the CNV list
cnvs = dataPreparation.addDerivedFeatures(cnvs)

# Add CallRate data to CNV list
cnvs = dataPreparation.addCallRateToDataset(cnvs, call_rate_path="<Pathway to the callrate file>", callrate_colname="<CallRate column name>", individual_colname="<Individual column name>")

# Add Chromosomic information such as centromere and Segmental Duplications overlap
cnvs = dataPreparation.addChromosomicAnnotation(cnvs)

# Add number of probes used with the technology (Useful for model trained on multiple datasets and multiple technologies)
cnvs = dataPreparation.addNbProbeByTech(cnvs, pfb_file_path="<Pathway to the PFB file>")

Run DigCNV from the pre-trained model
More information at "article"
from digcnv import digCnvModel, dataVerif

# Create an empty DigCNV model
model = digCnvModel.DigCnvModel()

# Open pre-trained model and update object
model_path = join(split(__file__)[0], 'data', 'DigCNV_model_multiple_technos.pkl')

# Check if mandatory columns for the DigCNV model exist and have right formats
dataVerif.checkIfMandatoryColumnsExist(cnvs, post_data_preparation=True)
dataVerif.checkColumnsformats(cnvs, post_data_preparation=True)

# Optional plot a correlation heatmap between different predictors used in model
dataVerif.plotCorrelationHeatMap(cnvs, list_dim=model._dimensions, output_path="<Pathway where output plot (.pdf or .png)>")

# Check NaN data within mandatory columns and split data into two dataframes: first for CNVs with all information available
# and a second one with all CNVs with at least one missing data (can't be used for prediction)
cnvs, cnvs_with_na = dataVerif.computeNaPercentage(cnvs, dimensions=model._dimensions, remove_na_data=True)

# Discriminate true from false CNVs from CNVs with all data, then produce a list of classes
predicted_cnvs = model.predictCnvClasses(cnvs)
cnvs["DigCNVpred"] = predicted_cnvs

Train your own DigCNV model
from digcnv import digCNVModel
# Uses CNVs created in Prepare data section :

# Add your own annotation to your CNVs (0 for false CNVs and 1 for true)
cnvs["visualized_class"] = ["<classes of each CNV visualized>"]

# Dimensions used to classify CNVs (Recommended dimensions you can use your own)
predictors = ["",""]

# Remove CNVs with at least one missing values in used predictors or in visualized column
cnvs, removed = DigCnvPreProcessing.removeLinesWithNA(cnvs, dimensions=predictors + ["visualized_class"])

# Split dataset into two groups a training dataset and a testing dataset (70% - 30%)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = DigCnvPreProcessing.createTrainingTestingDatasets(cnvs, X_dimension="visualized_class")

# If ratio between the two classes is too unbalanced uniformize classes by split majoritary class and adding new pseudo CNVs to minority class
X_train, y_train = DigCnvPreProcessing.uniformizeClassesSizes(X_train, y_train, 17, 0.4, 0.5)

# Create a DigCNV model
model = digCnvModel.DigCnvModel()

# Train the DigCNV model with the given training dataset
model.trainDigCnvModel(training_data=X_train, training_cat=y_train)

# Analyse classification accuracy for the trained model
predicted_cnvs = model.evaluateCnvClassification(testing_df=X_test, expected_values=y_test, images_dir_path="<Path to the image output directory>")

Tune DigCNV hyperparameters
from digcnv import DigCNVTunning

Input files format example
PennCNV output
chr20:44356194-44378577 numsnp=7 length=22,384 state2,cn=1 /path/to/finalreport/10001 startsnp=rs232258 endsnp=rs380421 conf=16.163
chr9:17583310-17622213 numsnp=21 length=38,904 state5,cn=3 /path/to/finalreport/10001 startsnp=rs1028594 endsnp=rs3808750 conf=101.052
chr10:47543322-47703613 numsnp=47 length=160,292 state5,cn=3 /path/to/finalreport/10001 startsnp=rs11259779 endsnp=rs4128664 conf=156.227
chr6:4263349-4472587 numsnp=69 length=209,239 state2,cn=1 /path/to/finalreport/10002 startsnp=rs6937085 endsnp=rs7746329 conf=120.225
chr6:80608294-80611616 numsnp=6 length=3,323 state2,cn=1 /path/to/finalreport/10002 startsnp=rs17833835 endsnp=rs1887571 conf=20.441

PennCNV quality output
SampleID LRR_mean LRR_median LRR_SD BAF_mean BAF_median BAF_SD BAF_DRIFT WF GCWF
10001 -0.0045 0.0000 0.1474 0.5028 0.5000 0.0268 0.000036 -0.0141 -0.0002
10002 0.0056 0.0000 0.1588 0.5027 0.5000 0.0259 0.000000 0.0194 0.0018
10003 -0.0090 0.0000 0.1564 0.5031 0.5000 0.0308 0.000000 0.0132 0.0053
10004 0.0014 0.0000 0.1494 0.5032 0.5000 0.0280 0.000000 0.0184 0.0018
10005 0.0031 0.0000 0.1412 0.5025 0.5000 0.0272 0.000000 0.0170 0.0001

QuantiSNP output
Sample Name Chromosome Start Position (bp) End Position (bp) Start Probe ID End Probe ID Length (bp) No. Probes Copy Number Max. Log BF Log BF: State 0 Log BF: State 1 Log BF: State 2 Log BF: State 3 Log BF: State 4 Log BF: State 5 Log BF: State 6
10001 1 31943355 31943355 rs7545865 rs7545865 1 1 1 1.2152 -24.0258 -2.5507 0 1.2152 -16.1517 -19.4123 -25.013
10001 1 111930916 111934304 rs12077338 rs4839132 3389 4 1 4.57286 -42.9409 4.57286 0 2.93527 -29.2398 -35.802 -44.9483
10001 2 44082362 44096010 rs6718187 rs6752551 13649 4 3 0.954579 -62.543 -41.1676 0 -14.003 0.954579 0.576184 -60.5049
10001 2 92308395 92308395 rs4509760 rs4509760 1 1 1 0.0218224 -26.3579 -4.38718 0 0.0218224 -19.0042 -21.9322 -27.2609
10001 3 59820539 59821071 rs1905866 rs17362486 533 2 4 0.33986 -9.54639 -22.8223 0 -3.94108 -6.15468 0.33986 -8.45724


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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