
Creator: bradpython12

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Base-Agnostic Integer Manipulation

digint is a module focused on easy high-level integer manipulation across any numerical base. Works with binary, decimal, or any other base. digint seeks to make complex digit-level and notation operations easy.
This module can be installed using:
pip install digint

This module is intended to be used only as a module, and can be imported after installing using the traditional process:
from digint import digitint

Create an integer in any base
# input integers as you would with `int()`,
# if the intiger is already in the base you wish to use
n1 = digitint(1234, base=10)
n2 = digitint("BASE36", base=36)
n3 = digitint(0xABCDEF, base=16)

# convert bases on initialization, if the input is a intiger type
n4 = digitint(255, base=2) # == 0b11111111
n5 = digitint(int("BASE36", 36), base=10) # == 683248722
n6 = digitint(0xABCDEF, base=10) # == 11259375

Access and modify digits like a collection
# get the digit at index 2
print(n1.get_digit(2)) # outputs "3"
num.set_digit(2, 5)
print(n1.get_digit(2)) # outputs "5"

Easy notation
print(str(n2)) # output "BASE36"
print(str(n3)) # output "ABCDEF"
print(str(n5)) # output "683248722", as the base is set to 10

Full mutable collection implementation on integers
print(n2.pop(-1)) #outputs "6"
print(n2.pop(-1)) #outputs "3"
n2.append(int("D", 36))
print(n2) #outputs "BASED"

# The sum of all digits
print(sum(n2)) #outputs "76"

# The average of all digits
print(sum(n2)/len(n2)) #outputs "15.2"

Customizable Notation
# same as str(n3)
print(n3.notate()) # outputs "ABCDEF"

from digint import NotationFormat
fmt = NotationFormat(*tuple("0123456789ZYXWVU"))
print(n3.notate(fmt)) # outputs "ZYXWVU"

And More
There are a handfull of other ease of use features that this module provides, feel free to reference the documentation for more information.
This is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) Licence. See the Licence file in this repository for more information.
Contributions are always welcome!
Use the github repository to report issues and contribute to this project.
While not required, feel free to credit "Markus Hammer" (or just "Markus") if you find this code or script useful for whatever you may be doing with it.
Security Policy
While the python source code will be actively maintained, any binary files (if at all provided) are in no way supported.
These are provided as a courtesy and are not intended to be the main usage of this software.
Please keep this in mind when choosing how you wish to use this software.
Supported Versions

Supported >= <

Reporting a Vulnerability
Please report any issues to the email 107761433+MarkusHammer(THEN THE @ SYMBOL HERE)users.noreply.github.com


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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