digsec 0.9

Creator: bradpython12

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digsec 0.9

digsec is a standalone command line tool to be used for self-learning, teaching or troubleshooting DNSSEC.
It is primarily a raw DNS tool, that does not implicitly add any DNS flags, or automatically perform multi-step operations like authenticating a DNSSEC record.
Technically, digsec is similar to a validating, DNSSEC-aware resolver. However, it either does query (in other words lookup) or validate (in other words authenticate) at each run. With digsec query, only a single DNS lookup is performed (e.g. lookup a DNSKEY record of a domain). With digsec validate, only a single validation is performed (e.g. validate an A record with a DNSKEY record). Typically, for a normal DNSSEC validating query, digsec would have to be executed multiple times. digsec query naturally requires network communication (with a DNS server), whereas validate runs off-line. To be able to run validation, the answers to queries can be saved to temporary files.
As an example, digsec.resolve and digsec.authenticate is provided to perform multi-step operations. digsec.resolve (iteratively) resolves and saves all responses to a query. digsec.authenticate validates a query by performing multiple validations using the saved responses. These tools are provided only as an example, not as production-quality utilities.
DNSSEC Trust Anchors can be downloaded with digsec, and if required their validation can be done using openssl. digsec.authenticate does the validation using openssl.
digsec is not supposed to be embedded into another code e.g. it is not a library. There is no proper error reporting (all errors are raised as exception and catched to give a single error message to user), and no machine-friendly return values. I do not plan to change this.
pip install digsec
This will install three command line scripts:

digsec: the main utility
digsec.resolve: example DNS query resolver
digsec.authenticate: example DNSSEC record validator

Just run digsec to see options, flags and help, or much better see my blog post explaining how it is used with DNSSEC.
digsec do not add DNS flags implicitly. You might need to use +rd (recursive desired) often. Also, if you are looking for invalid DNSSEC records, you probably need to use +cd (checking disabled) flag, otherwise the DNS server may not return these invalid records.
When you try validation, you will need to save responses to files. It is the best to create a new temporary folder for this, as existing files might confuse you.
For a complete resolve and authenticate example, you can try:
$ digsec.resolve metebalci.com DNSKEY /tmp
$ digsec.authenticate metebalci.com DNSKEY /tmp

digsec.resolve command above will query metebalci.com DNSKEY and all other required records for authenticating this record. All these DNS queries will be send to It will save the responses to these queries under /tmp. Then digsec.authenticate command will try to authenticate metebalci.com DNSKEY using the save responses under /tmp. These commands should work without any error.
Error Reporting
An error for digsec means the operation (query, validate, download etc.) cannot be completed for any reason. This can be a network problem, a file permission error, error in validation, error in any responses from DNS servers, a bug or a not-yet-supported DNS feature, and anything else.
In case of any error, digsec:

returns a non-zero exit code, but this is usually not visible to command line user
prints a message starting with ERROR: describing the error

An unexpected problem (e.g. file permissions) or a bug may cause an exception stack trace to be printed as output. It is helpful to provide this and how it happend (which command was run) as an issue.
In a technical jargon, all handled error cases and exceptions are wrapped into DigsecError exception and this exception is catched at the main entry point and reported with ERROR: prompt. All other exceptions will be printed out.
digsec.resolve and digsec.authenticate follows a similar eror reporting since they merely call digsec with various arguments.
DNSSEC Support Status
Record Types
These record types are supported in query: SOA, NS, A, AAAA, MX, TXT, DNSKEY, RRSIG, DS, NSEC, NSEC3.
These record types will be added: CNAME, NSEC3PARAM, PTR, SRV. (#35)
DNSSEC Validation
Positive authentication of record types above are supported.
Negative authentication is not supported yet, so NSEC and NSEC3 is not supported for validation, but it will be added. (#16 and #36)
These are supported:

7: RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 (alias for 5)
8: RSASHA256
10: RSASHA512
13: ECDSAP256SHA256
14: ECDSAP384SHA384
15: ED25519
16: ED448

These are all algorithms that are required or recommended for DNSSEC validation per RFC 8624.
There is no plan to support deprecated RSAMD5 (1), DSA (3), DSA-NSEC3-SHA1 (6) and optional ECC-GOST (12).
As a result, algorithm support is considered complete.
These are supported:

1: SHA1
2: SHA256
4: SHA384

These are all digests that are required or recommended for DNSSEC validation per RFC 8624.
There is no plan to support optional GOST R 34.11.94 (3).
As a result, digest support is considered complete.
digsec is a Python3 project.
I follow a single (master) branch for development. When I decide to make a release, I generate the PyPI distribution package locally. There is no separate stable and development branches.
circleci is used for continous integration, mainly to see if the current status of repo builds OK, tests OK and passes pylint.
Some pylint checks are disabled, either because I do not agree with them or because I did not have time to fix the issues yet or do not plan to fix.

rsa: For RSA algorithms
ecdsa: For ECDSA algorithms
ECpy: For ED algorithms (ED25519 and ED448)

Release History

AAAA record type support
Ed25519 and Ed448 support
view command
changed default DNS of query and scripts/validate.py to Cloudflare
fixed name, it was shown without root (metebalci.com instead of metebalci.com.)
test resolve and authenticate methods resolve.py and authenticate.py,
they can be called by digsec.resolve and digsec.authenticate
major changes in error handling and some code reorganization
EDNS0 opt reporing improved
Extended DNS Errors (Code 15) support


digsec download outputs signature and CA file for trust anchor verification
digsec download can use a local root anchors XML file rather than downloading it


pylint added to build process, but only important and easy to fix errors are fixed.
default timeout value of 1s is removed. now it defaults to system default. if needed, it can be set with +timeout=X_in_seconds_float flag.
tcp support with +tcp flag, default is udp
non-53 port support with @server_ip:server_port, default is 53
validate script is replaced with new scripts/validate.py
rsa dependency updated to 4.9, ecdsa dependency updated to 0.18.0


rsa update in 0.7 broke the build, this version fixes the issue.


required packages (rsa and ecdsa) are updated to latest version


Socket timeout support and +timeout flag.


Preliminary support for ECDSAP384SHA384, RSA-512, SHA-384.
Server the DNS packet is sent is written under NETWORK COMMUNICATION line.
digsec version is written at first line in the output as digsec vX.


ECDSAP256SHA256 implemented.
@server option added.
validate_second_level_domain.sh script added.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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