dirsync 2.2.5

Creator: bradpython12

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dirsync 2.2.5

© 2014-2019 Thomas Khyn
© 2003-2015 Anand B Pillai
Advanced directory tree synchronisation tool
based on Python robocopier by Anand B Pillai
If you like dirsync and are looking for a way to thank me and/or encourage
future development, here is my BTC or BCH donation address:

From the command line:
dirsync <sourcedir> <targetdir> [options]
From python:
from dirsync import sync
sync(sourcedir, targetdir, action, **options)

Main Options
Chosing one option among the following ones is mandatory

--diff, -d
Only report difference between sourcedir and targetdir

--sync, -s
Synchronize content between sourcedir and targetdir

--update, -u
Update existing content between sourcedir and targetdir

If you use one of the above options (e.g. sync) most of the time, you
may consider defining the action option in a Configuration file parsed
by dirsync.

Additional Options

--verbose, -v
Provide verbose output

--purge, -p
Purge files when synchronizing (does not purge by

--force, -f
Force copying of files, by trying to change file

--twoway, -2
Update files in source directory from target
directory (only updates target from source by default)

--create, -c
Create target directory if it does not exist (By
default, target directory should exist.)

Also takes into account the source file's creation
time (Windows) or the source file's last metadata
change (Unix)

Takes into account ONLY content of files.
Synchronize ONLY different files.
At two-way synchronization source files content
have priority if destination and source are existed

--ignore, -x patterns
Regex patterns to ignore

--only, -o patterns
Regex patterns to include (exclude every other)

--exclude, -e patterns
Regex patterns to exclude

--include, -i patterns
Regex patterns to include (with precedence over

Configuration file

Configuration files are only used when using the command line, and ignored
when dirsync is called from within Python.

If you want to use predefined options all the time, or if you need specific
options when ‘dirsyncing’ a specific source directory, dirsync looks for
two configuration files, by order or priority (the last takes precedence):

A ~/.dirsync configuration file is automatically created the first time
dirsync is ran from the command line. It enables sync mode by default.

Any source/directory/.dirsync file is automatically excluded from the
files to compare. You have to explicitly include using the --include
option it if you want it to be covered by the comparison.

The command line options always override the values defined in the
configuration files.
The configuration files must have a defaults section, and the options are
as defined above. The only exception is for the option action, which can
take 3 values diff, sync or update.
Example config file:
action = sync
create = True

Custom logger
From python, you may not want to have the output sent to stdout. To do so,
you can simply pass your custom logger via the logger keyword argument of
the sync function:
sync(sourcedir, targetdir, action, logger=my_logger, **options)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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