discord-styled-text 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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discordstyledtext 1.0.0

A small library to style text for Discord without having to remember any syntax

discord-styled-text requires Python 3.6 at minimum.
$ pip install discord-styled-text

Documentation is available on ReadTheDocs.
Example Usage
>>> from discord_styler import *

>>> bold_text = Bold("Here's some bold text")
>>> italic_text = Italic("and here's some", Underline("italic text"), "with nested styles!")
>>> text = StyledText("We can combine them:", bold_text, italic_text)
>>> str(text)
"We can combine them: **Here's some bold text** *and here's some __italic text__ with nested styles!*"

>>> quoted = StyledText(BlockQuote(text), "and we can do quotes too")
>>> str(quoted)
"> We can combine them: **Here's some bold text** *and here's some __italic text__ with nested styles!*\n and we can do quotes too"

>>> question = StyledText(
... UserMention(200102491231092736),
... f"will you be free at {TimeStamp(1618953630, TimeStyle.LongDateTime)}?",
... f"I'll be doing code review in {ChannelMention(656893570711814145)} if you wanna join")
>>> str(question)
"<@200102491231092736> will you be free at <t:1618953630:F>? I'll be doing code review in <#656893570711814145> if you wanna join"

>>> link = NonEmbeddingURL("https://github.com/miaowware/discord-styled-text/pull/1")
>>> str(link)

>>> code = StyledText(
... "What do you think of this?\n",
... CodeBlock('def __str__(self) -> str:\n return "||" + super().__str__() + "||"', lang="py"))
>>> str(code)
'What do you think of this?\n ```py\ndef __str__(self) -> str:\n return "||" + super().__str__() + "||"\n```'

Copyright 2021 classabbyamp, 0x5c
Released under the BSD 3-Clause License.
See LICENSE for the full license text.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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