DiscordPyCLI 0.1.0b0

Creator: bradpython12

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DiscordPyCLI 0.1.0b0

Discord.py Command Line Interface
A library built by Amelia Cabotte and RaviAnand Mohabir.
DiscordPyCLI is a set of command line tools inspired by packages such as npx and vue cli to aid in creating Discord.py bots. The interface enables fast creation of Python projects that follow all the file structure conventions and are typed properly. Goodies such as configuration files, which can be either INI, YAML, Python or .env files are supported as well, and a custom .gitignore keeps your client information safe.
DiscordPyCLI is launched with the dpy command with numerous options and flags.
Creating a Bot
The dpy create command allows you to use numerous flags and options to create a Discord.py bot which

name: The project's name, can be snake, kebab or camel case.
--cog: Supply cogs that should be generated with the bot.
--basic: Flag to create a simple instance of a commands.Bot, instead of the full class implementation.

Running dpy create my-bot --cog=TestCog and leaving all the prompts at their default will create the following base folder structure:
my-bot /
cogs /

By default the script will also generate a boilerplate help command by Dan6erbond#2259 with support for pagination and customized outputs. The bot's command prefix, description and support for Banhammer.py can all be customized during the command-run, as you will be prompted to supply additional information.

bot add cog
bot add cmd
bot db create
bot db model


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