dislevel 2.0.3

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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dislevel 2.0.3

Making leveling easier for small as well as big bot
pip install dislevel
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Making a simple bot with a db connection. First of all we need a database connection. Dislevel supports 2 type of database connection.

asyncpg (Pool)
databases (Database)

If your bot already have a connection you can use that, Or you can create a new one for leveling. In this example I will create a new connection using databases[sqlite]
from databases import Database
from discord import Intents
from discord.ext import commands

from dislevel import init_dislevel
from dislevel.utils import update_xp

intents = Intents.default()
# Nextcord current version uses discord Api v9 where message content intent is not enforced.

# If you ware are using discord.py when you will need to enable message_content intent manually explicitly as shown below
# intents.message_content = True

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="?", intents=intents)

async def on_ready():
# Using databases to create a sqlite db
db = Database("sqlite:///leveling.db")
await db.connect()

# Pass instance of bot, the database connection and specify which driver to use. In this case we are using databases so we passed that
await init_dislevel(bot, db, "databases")
print("Ready! Let's go...")

async def on_message(message):
if message.author.bot:

# You can use this method anywhere to update xp of a member
# First pass the bot instance, member_id, guild_id and how much xp to be added.
await update_xp(bot, message.author.id, message.guild.id, amount=10)

await bot.process_commands(message)

# Load the cog. It has 4 cogs. `dislevel.nextcord`, `dislevel.nextcord.slash`, `dislevel.discord`, `dislevel.discord.slash`
# If you want to use nextcord.slash you should load it ouside on_ready. Otherwise you can load it inside on_ready
# You can also load both slash and normal cog.

TOKEN: str = "Your bot token here"

# If you want to do something when a user level's up!
async def on_dislevel_levelup(guild_id, member_id, level):


dislevel.discord - For discord.py 2.0

dislevel.discord.slash - For discord.py 2.0 (Slash Commands)

dislevel.nextcord - For nextcord 2.0

dislevel.nextcord.slash - For nextcord 2.0 (Slash Commands)

rank [member] - See your/member's rank
leaderboard, lb - See leaderboard
setbg <url> - Set your bg url
resetbg - Reset your bg url to default
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