dj-translation 1.0.5

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djtranslation 1.0.5

The Translation Package is a Django package that simplifies the handling of translations in your Django projects. It provides a convenient way to store translation values as JSON and includes a model field, form field, and widget to facilitate translation management.
.. image:: ./docs/translation_field.png
:width: 100%
:align: center
:alt: DJ-Translation Logo

Features <#features>_
Installation <#installation>_
Configuration <#configuration>_
Usage <#usage>_
Additional Functionality <#additional-functionality>_
Using DJ-Translation in the Django Admin <#using-dj-translation-in-the-django-admin>_
API Reference <#api-reference>_
Contributing <#contributing>_


JSON-based Translation Storage: JSON-based Translation Storage: The package allows you to store translation values as JSON, making it easy to manage and update translations.
Model Field: It includes a custom model field that seamlessly integrates with your Django models, allowing you to store and retrieve translations effortlessly.
Ability to handle translations for multiple languages out of the box.
Support for rich text translation with optional CKEditor 5 integration.
Customizable CKEditor 5 configuration for tailored editing experience.

Before installing DJ-Translation, please ensure you have Django 4.x installed. You can install DJ-Translation using pip, as follows:
.. code-block::
$ pip install dj-translation

If you prefer to install from source, you can clone the repository from GitHub and install it manually:
.. code-block::
$ git clone
$ cd dj-translation
$ python install

Note: It is recommended to create a virtual environment before installing DJ-Translation to keep your Django projects isolated.
Once DJ-Translation is installed, you need to add it to your Django project's settings. Open your project's file and add 'dj_translation' to the INSTALLED_APPS setting:
.. code-block::
# Other apps...

Finally, run the database migrations to create the necessary tables for DJ-Translation:
.. code-block::
python migrate

Once DJ-Translation is installed, you need to add it to your Django project's settings. Open your project's file and make the following additions:
Add the following language-related settings:
.. code-block::


# Languages we provide translations for, out of the box.
(ARABIC_LANGUAGE_CODE, gettext_noop('Arabic')),
(ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_CODE, gettext_noop('English')),
(SPANISH_LANGUAGE_CODE, gettext_noop('EspaƱol'))

# Languages using BiDi (right-to-left) layout
LANGUAGES_BIDI = ["he", "ar", "ar-dz", "fa", "ur"]

Note: Adjust the language codes and names according to your specific requirements.
Add the CKEditor configuration for DJ-Translation (optional):
.. code-block::
'toolbar': {
'items': ['heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', '|', 'undo', 'redo']

Note: The CKEditor configuration is optional and can be used to customize the CKEditor toolbar items according to your needs.
To utilize the translation capabilities provided by DJ-Translation, follow these guidelines:

Define Models: Declare a model field of type TranslatedField in your Django models to store translated values. You can use the additional attribute rich_text=True to enable CKEditor integration for the field:

.. code-block::
from dj_translation.fields import TranslatedField

class YourModel(models.Model):
translated_field = TranslatedField(rich_text=True)

Forms Integration: Use the TranslatedFormField in your Django forms to enable translation input and display. If you have a translated field with CKEditor enabled, make sure to include CKEditor assets in your form template:

.. code-block::
{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ }}
{{ form.translated_field }}
<button type="submit">Save</button>
{% endblock %}

Widget Customization: Customize the appearance and behavior of the TranslatedWidget to match your application's requirements.

Retrieving Translations: Retrieve translated values from the TranslatedField and display them in your templates or API responses.

Additional Functionality
TranslatedValue Class
The `TranslatedValue` class is provided by DJ-Translation to work with translated values. You can pass the value returned from the `TranslatedField` to create a `TranslatedValue` instance.

``Translate Function``

The `TranslatedValue` class provides a `translate` function that can be used to retrieve the translated value based on the activated language or a specific language.

Example usage:

.. code-block::

# Create a TranslatedValue instance
translated_value = TranslatedValue(value_from_field)

# Retrieve the translated value for the activated language
activated_language_translation = translated_value.translate()

# Retrieve the translated value for a specific language
specific_language_translation = translated_value.translate(language='fr')

``Using DJ-Translation in the Django Admin``

DJ-Translation can be seamlessly integrated into the Django admin interface to manage translations. To enable DJ-Translation in the admin, follow these steps:

Create your model and use TranslationField

.. code-block::
class TranslatableModel(models.Model):
title = TranslationField(blank=True, null=True, default=dict, rich_text=False)
description = TranslationField(blank=True, null=True, default=dict, rich_text=True)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_created=True, default=now, blank=True)
updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True, blank=True)

def __str__(self):
return TranslatedValue(self.title).translate()

Register your models with translated fields in the admin site by creating an file in your app directory (if not already created) and define a custom ModelAdmin class:

.. code-block::
class CustomModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = TranslatableForm, CustomModelAdmin) # Register your model and admin class

Now, when you access the admin interface for your models, the translated fields will be available for input and display.

API Reference
The package provides the following API elements:

A model field that handles the storage and retrieval of translated values.


A form field for translation input.

A widget for displaying translations.


We welcome contributions to DJ-Translation! If you would like to contribute code, report issues, or submit pull requests, please refer to our guidelines at [link to contribution guidelines].


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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