dj-users 0.1.1

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djusers 0.1.1

Users is a Django app for creating, reading, updating and deleting users models.
Get started
Install the package:
pip install django-users

After installation:

In, add users app to INSTALLED_APPS.
Users app can be used as a web app that uses HTML templates and/or as an API back-end:

If you want to use HTML templates, then include users.urls in your project level
Include users.routers to use the API endpoints.
Or include the both.

Set up the templates
Users app does not contain HTML templates to give the developer the options of customization.
To set up the templates:

In, set the DIRS = [BASE_DIR / 'templates'].
Create templates folder in your project folder.
Create a folder named with the name of the app that contains AUTH_USER_MODEL (the default is auth).
Create the templates (user_list.html, user_detail.html, user_form.html, user_confirm_delete.html)

Note: If you named your user model different than User, you may need to name your templates according to the name of the model
Example: Let's say that the name of your app is blog and you extended the default user model and you named the new user model BlogUser then the folder that you will create in the templates folder is blog and you will need to rename the templates, for example user_list.html will be bloguser_list.html.
I hope that you find this useful.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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