django-appregistration 0.0.6

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangoappregistration 0.0.6

This app provides a base class to easily realize django apps that allow
other apps to register parts in it.


Django >= 1.6


From the pip repository: pip install django-appregistration
or directly from github:
pip install git+git://

django-appregistration provides two base classes for the registration of
modules from other apps: MultiListPartRegistry and
SingleListPartRegistry. While both have the same basic
functionality, in the MultiListPartRegistry multiple distinct lists
of objects can be collected, the SingleListPartRegistry only
contains a single list.
To implement a ...PartRegistry in your app, create a subclass of the
...PartRegistry or your choice in a convenient place in your
application. There are some attributes you can overwrite in your

part_class (required): The (parent) class of the objects that are
allowed to be inserted into your Registry
call_function_subpath (required): The subpath to the function
that is to be called by the registry on load (details, see below)
ignore_django_namespace(default: True): If true, any app that
starts with django. in your INSTALLED_APPS will be ignored on
load time.

To prevent arbitrary items to be inserted into your Registry the
...PartRegistry classes check each added element to be an instance
of the class that is set as the part_class attribute of the your
When the Registry tries to load elements from the INSTALLED_APPS, it
iterates over the apps and tries, for each to get the sub module /
function that is defined in the call_function_subpath. It then
checks if the retrieved object is callable and calls it if so passing
the Registry itself as only call parameter.
To register elements with the Registry you therefore need to implement
the appropriate function at call_function_subpath in an app that is
listed in the INSTALLED_APPS. The implemented function then needs to
call the add_item function on the passed registry.
To further simplify the usage of dynamic apps, the app provides a
filter_available_apps function that filters a list of possible apps
and returns only the ones that are available in the current
installation. This allows for a highly dynamic configuration of django
projects by allowing certain apps to be installed selectively. Use it in
your to dynamically add the available apps to your

from django_appregistration import filter_available_apps
] + filter_available_apps(

Here is an implementation example with a Registry implemented in the
extendable_app app and an app extending_app that extends the

from django_appregistration import MultiListPartRegistry

class MyRegisterable(object):

class MyRegistry(MultiListPartRegistry):
part_class = MyRegisterable
call_function_subpath = 'registerable.register'

def register(registry):
# import inside the function so that the import is only needed if the registry is used
# and the package is therefore available
from extendable_app.registry import MyRegisterable

registry.add_part('default', MyRegisterable())
registry.add_part('other', MyRegisterable())
Like this the extending_app registers two parts when the registry is
loaded, one in the list default and one in the list other.
The objects can be retrieved like so:
from extendable_app.registry import MyRegistry
default_parts = MyRegistry.get('default') # retrieves the `default` list
other_parts = MyRegistry.get('other') # retrieves the `other` list

API documetation

The following functions are available:

add_part(list, part)
Adds the part given by the part parameter to the list with the name
given by the list parameter.

Returns the parts in the list with the name given by the list
parameter. The elements are sorted before they are returned.

Can be overwritten to define a custom ordering of the parts. The default
function simply returns the list unordered.

When called, the class is initialized and loads the available parts into
its list cache. Does nothing if the load() was already called. Is
called automatically by the get() function. There is no need to call
it explicitly unless you want to initialize the class before the first
list is retrieved.

Resets the Registry to its initial state so that the parts will be
reloaded the next time the load() function is called. Usually there
is no need to call this as it only adds extra overhead when the parts
need to be loaded again.

The following functions are additionally available:

Adds the part given by the part parameter to the list.

Returns the parts in the list. The elements are sorted before they are

Running the tests
The included tests can be run standalone by running the
tests/ script. You need to have Django and mock installed
for them to run. If you also want to run coverage, you need to install
it before running the tests


v0.0.6 (2017-05-19)

Fixing README heading levels

v0.0.5 (2017-05-19)

Adding support for Django 1.10 and 1.11


Adding the filter_available_apps function that checks a list of
given apps for their availability.


Bugfix: Also moved the lock and the loaded attributes into
the meta class


Bugfix: Using a metaclass to separate the lists for each subclass of
MultiListPartRegistry. Before each registry used the same list
resulting in element mixtures if more than one registry was used


Rename Type to List in classes


Initial implementation of MultiTypePartRegistry and

This Project is maintained by Northbridge Development Konrad &
Schneider GbR


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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