django-bulk-update-or-create 0.3.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangobulkupdateorcreate 0.3.0


Everyone using Django ORM will eventually find himself doing batch update_or_create operations: ingest files from external sources, sync with external APIs, etc.
If the number of records is big, the slowliness of QuerySet.update_or_create will stand out: it is very practical to use but it always does one SELECT and then one INSERT (if select didn't return anything) or UPDATE/.save (if it did).
Searching online shows that this does indeed happen to quite a few people though it doesn't seem to be any good solution:

bulk_create is really fast if you know all records are new (and you're not using multi-table inheritance)
bulk_update does some nice voodoo to update several records with the same UPDATE statement (using a huge WHERE condition together with CASE), but you need to be sure they all exist
UPSERTs (INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE) look interesting (TODO on different package) but they will be retricted by bulk_create limitations ==> cannot use on models with multi-table inheritance

This package tries to tackle this introducing bulk_update_or_create to model QuerySet/Manager:

update_or_create: (1 SELECT + 1 INSERT/UPDATE) * N
bulk_update_or_create: 1 BIG_SELECT + 1 BIG_UPDATE + (lte_N) INSERT

For a batch of records:

SELECT all from database (based on the match_field parameter)
Update records in memory
Use bulk_update for those
Use INSERT/.create on each of the remaining

The (SOFTCORE) performance test looks promising, more than 70% less time (average):
$ make testcmd
# default - sqlite
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings tests/ bulk_it
loop of update_or_create - all creates: 3.966486692428589
loop of update_or_create - all updates: 4.020653247833252
loop of update_or_create - half half: 3.9968857765197754
bulk_update_or_create - all creates: 2.949239730834961
bulk_update_or_create - all updates: 0.15633511543273926
bulk_update_or_create - half half: 1.4585723876953125
# mysql
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_mysql tests/ bulk_it
loop of update_or_create - all creates: 5.511938571929932
loop of update_or_create - all updates: 5.321666955947876
loop of update_or_create - half half: 5.391834735870361
bulk_update_or_create - all creates: 1.5671980381011963
bulk_update_or_create - all updates: 0.14612770080566406
bulk_update_or_create - half half: 0.7262606620788574
# postgres
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_postgresql tests/ bulk_it
loop of update_or_create - all creates: 4.3584535121917725
loop of update_or_create - all updates: 3.6183276176452637
loop of update_or_create - half half: 4.145816087722778
bulk_update_or_create - all creates: 1.044851541519165
bulk_update_or_create - all updates: 0.14954638481140137
bulk_update_or_create - half half: 0.8407495021820068

pip install django-bulk-update-or-create

Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS list in

use BulkUpdateOrCreateQuerySet as manager of your model(s)

from django.db import models
from bulk_update_or_create import BulkUpdateOrCreateQuerySet

class RandomData(models.Model):
objects = BulkUpdateOrCreateQuerySet.as_manager()

uuid = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
data = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True, blank=True)

call bulk_update_or_create

items = [
RandomData(uuid=1, data='data for 1'),
RandomData(uuid=2, data='data for 2'),
RandomData.objects.bulk_update_or_create(items, ['data'], match_field='uuid')

or use the context manager, if you are updating a big number of items, as it manages a batch queue

with RandomData.objects.bulk_update_or_create_context(['data'], match_field='uuid', batch_size=10) as bulkit:
for i in range(10000):
bulkit.queue(RandomData(uuid=i, data=i + 20))

bulk_update_or_create supports yield_objects=True so you can iterate over the created/updated objects.
bulk_update_or_create_context provides the same information to the callback function specified as status_cb

Add option to use bulk_create for creates: assert model is not multi-table, if enabled
Fix the collation mess: the keyword arg case_insensitive_match should be dropped and collation detected in runtime
Add support for multiple match_field - probably will need to use WHERE (K1=X and K2=Y) or (K1=.. and K2 =..) instead of IN for those, as that SQL standard doesn't seem widely adopted yet
Link to UPSERT alternative package once done!


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