django-cockroachdb 5.1

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangocockroachdb 5.1

CockroachDB backend for Django
You must install:

psycopg, which may have some
prerequisites depending on which version you use.

You can also use either:

psycopg2, which has some
prerequisites of
its own.


The binary package is a practical choice for development and testing but in
production it is advised to use the package built from sources.
Install and usage
Use the version of django-cockroachdb that corresponds to your version of
Django. For example, to get the latest compatible release for Django 5.1.x:
pip install django-cockroachdb==5.1.*
The minor release number of Django doesn't correspond to the minor release
number of django-cockroachdb. Use the latest minor release of each.
Configure the Django DATABASES setting similar to this:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django_cockroachdb',
'NAME': 'django',
'USER': 'myprojectuser',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '26257',
# If connecting with SSL, include the section below, replacing the
# file paths as appropriate.
'sslmode': 'verify-full',
'sslrootcert': '/certs/ca.crt',
# Either sslcert and sslkey (below) or PASSWORD (above) is
# required.
'sslcert': '/certs/client.myprojectuser.crt',
'sslkey': '/certs/client.myprojectuser.key',
# If applicable
'options': '--cluster={routing-id}',

If using Kerberos authentication, you can specify a custom service name in
'OPTIONS' using the key 'krbsrvname'.
Notes on Django fields

IntegerField uses the same storage as BigIntegerField so IntegerField
is introspected by inspectdb as BigIntegerField.

AutoField and BigAutoField are both stored as
integer (64-bit) with
DEFAULT unique_rowid().

Notes on Django QuerySets

accepts verbose, types, opt, vec, and distsql options which
correspond to CockroachDB's parameters.
For example:
>>> Choice.objects.explain(opt=True, verbose=True)
'scan polls_choice\n ├── columns: id:1 question_id:4 choice_text:2 votes:3\n ├── stats: [rows=1]\n ├── cost: 1.1\n ├── key: (1)\n ├── fd: (1)-->(2-4)\n └── prune: (1-4)'

GIS support
To use django.contrib.gis with CockroachDB, use
'ENGINE': 'django_cockroachdb_gis' in Django's DATABASES setting.
Disabling CockroachDB telemetry
By default, CockroachDB sends the version of django-cockroachdb that you're
using back to Cockroach Labs. To disable this, set
DISABLE_COCKROACHDB_TELEMETRY = True in your Django settings.
Known issues and limitations in CockroachDB 24.1.x and earlier

CockroachDB can't disable constraint checking,
which means certain things in Django like forward references in fixtures
aren't supported.

Migrations have some limitations. CockroachDB doesn't support:

changing column type if it's part of an index
dropping or changing a table's primary key
CockroachDB executes ALTER COLUMN queries asynchronously which is at
odds with Django's assumption that the database is altered before the next
migration operation begins. CockroachDB will give an error like
unimplemented: table <...> is currently undergoing a schema change if a
later operation tries to modify the table before the asynchronous query
finishes. A future version of CockroachDB may fix this.

The Field.db_comment and Meta.db_table_comment options aren't supported
due to poor performance.

Unsupported queries:

Mixed type addition in SELECT:
unsupported binary operator: <int> + <float>
Division that yields a different type:
unsupported binary operator: <int> / <int> (desired <int>)
The power() database function doesn't accept negative exponents:
power(): integer out of range
sum() doesn't support arguments of different types:
sum(): unsupported binary operator: <float> + <int>
greatest() doesn't support arguments of different types:
greatest(): expected <arg> to be of type <type>, found type <other type>
SmallAutoField generates values that are too large for any corresponding foreign keys.


Some database functions aren't supported: AsGML, AsKML, AsSVG,
and GeometryDistance.
Some 3D functions or signatures aren't supported: ST_3DPerimeter,
ST_3DExtent, ST_Scale, and ST_LengthSpheroid.
The Length database function isn't supported on geodetic fields:
st_lengthspheroid(): unimplemented.
Union may crash with
unknown signature: st_union(geometry, geometry).
The spheroid argument of ST_DistanceSpheroid
isn't supported:
unknown signature: st_distancespheroid(geometry, geometry, string).
These lookups aren't supported:

contained (@)
exact/same_as (~=)
left (<<) and right (>>)
overlaps_left (&<), overlaps_right (&>), overlaps_above (&<|),
overlaps_below (&>|)
strictly_above (|>>), strictly_below (<<|)

Known issues and limitations in CockroachDB 23.1.x and earlier

CockroachDB doesn't support by ordering by JSON.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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