django-coverage-plugin 3.1.0

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangocoverageplugin 3.1.0

A plugin to measure test coverage of Django templates.
Supported on:

Python: 3.8 through 3.12.
Django: 2.x, 3.x and 4.x. 6.x or higher.

The plugin is pip installable:
$ python3 -m pip install django_coverage_plugin
To run it, add this setting to your .coveragerc file:
plugins = django_coverage_plugin
Then run your tests under
You will see your templates listed in your coverage report along with
your Python modules. Please use v4.4 or greater to allow
the plugin to identify untested templates.
If you get a django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured error,
you need to set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
Template coverage only works if your Django templates have debugging enabled.
If you get django_coverage_plugin.plugin.DjangoTemplatePluginException:
Template debugging must be enabled in settings, or if no templates get
measured, make sure you have TEMPLATES.OPTIONS.debug set to True in
your settings file:
'debug': True,

The Django template plugin uses some existing settings from your
.coveragerc file. The source=, include=, and omit= options
control what template files are included in the report.
The plugin can find unused template and include them in your results. By
default, it will look for files in your templates directory with an extension
of .html, .htm, or .txt. You can configure it to look for a different set of
extensions if you like:
plugins = django_coverage_plugin

template_extensions = html, txt, tex, email
If you use pyproject.toml for tool configuration use:
plugins = [

template_extensions = 'html, txt, tex, email'

Caveats can’t tell whether a {% blocktrans %} tag used the
singular or plural text, so both are marked as used if the tag is used.

What the? How?
The technique used to measure the coverage is the same that Dmitry
Trofimov used in dtcov, but integrated into as a plugin,
and made more performant. I’d love to see how well it works in a real
production project. If you want to help me with it, feel free to drop me
an email.
The plugin mechanism is designed to be generally useful for
hooking into the collection and reporting phases of,
specifically to support non-Python files. If you have non-Python files
you’d like to support in, let’s talk.

To run the tests:
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ tox


v3.1.0 — 2023-07-10
Dropped support for Python 3.7 and Django 1.x. Declared support for Python

v3.0.0 — 2022-12-06
Dropped support for Python 2.7, Python 3.6, and Django 1.8.

v2.0.4 — 2022-10-31
Declare our support for Python 3.11 and Django 4.1.

v2.0.3 — 2022-05-04
Add support for Django 4.0.

v2.0.2 — 2021-11-11
If a non-UTF8 file was found when looking for templates, it would fail when
reading during the reporting phase, ending execution. This failure is now
raised in a way that can be ignored with a .coveragerc setting of [report] ignore_errors=True (issue 78).
When using source=., an existing coverage HTML report directory would be
found and believed to be unmeasured HTML template files. This is now fixed.

v2.0.1 — 2021-10-06
Test and claim our support on Python 3.10.

v2.0.0 — 2021-06-08
Drop support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.
A setting is available: template_extensions lets you set the file
extensions that will be considered when looking for unused templates
(requested in issue 60).
Fix an issue on Windows where file names were being compared
case-sensitively, causing templates to be missed (issue 46).
Fix an issue (issue 63) where tag libraries can’t be found if imported
during test collection. Thanks to Daniel Izquierdo for the fix.

v1.8.0 — 2020-01-23
Add support for:

Coverage 5

v1.7.0 — 2020-01-16
Add support for:

Python 3.7 & 3.8
Django 2.2 & 3.0

v1.6.0 — 2018-09-04
Add support for Django 2.1.

v1.5.2 — 2017-10-18
Validates support for Django version 2.0b1. Improves discovery of
template files.

v1.5.1a — 2017-04-05
Validates support for Django version 1.11. Testing for new package
maintainer Pamela McA’Nulty

v1.5.0 — 2017-02-23
Removes support for Django versions below 1.8. Validates support for
Django version 1.11b1

v1.4.2 — 2017-02-06
Fixes another instance of issue 32, which was the result of an
initialization order problem.

v1.4.1 — 2017-01-25
Fixes issue 32, which was the result of an initialization order

v1.4 — 2017-01-16
Django 1.10.5 is now supported.
Checking settings configuration is deferred so that is
included in coverage reporting. Fixes issue 28.
Only the django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates template
engine is supported, and it must be configured with
['OPTIONS']['debug'] = True. Fixes issue 27.

v1.3.1 — 2016-06-02
Settings are read slightly differently, so as to not interfere with
programs that don’t need settings. Fixes issue 18.

v1.3 — 2016-04-03
Multiple template engines are allowed. Thanks, Simon Charette.

v1.2.2 — 2016-02-01
No change in code, but Django 1.9.2 is now supported.

v1.2.1 — 2016-01-28
The template debug settings are checked properly for people still using
TEMPLATE_DEBUG in newer versions of Django.

v1.2 — 2016-01-16
Check if template debugging is enabled in the settings, and raise a
visible warning if not. This prevents mysterious failures of the
plugin, and fixes issue 17.
Potential Django 1.9 support is included, but the patch to Django hasn’t
been applied yet.

v1.1 — 2015-11-12
Explicitly configure settings if need be to get things to work.

v1.0 — 2015-09-20
First version :)


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