django-data-seeder 0.2.0

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangodataseeder 0.2.0

This app provides a simple way of seeding data for your data models into your
development or test database. This can be achieved through the Admin site, via
a management command, or by writing your own scripts that use a seeder object.
It is often necessary to be able to seed large datasets, especially in complex
projects, where having pre-loaded data can save time in the development
lifecycle. Additionally, by allowing simple data seeding, you can more
effectively conduct load tests or test complex edge case scnearios.


Django 2.2+
Python 3.6+

You can install data_seeder using pip
pip install django-data-seeder

Quick Start

Add data_seeder to your INSTALLED_APPS in


Seed data with the following command
python seeddata [options] app.models.Model [app.models.Model2, ...]
This will generate a single seed for each model provided.

Advanced Usage of the Management Command
In addition to generating single seeds for models, the seeddata can
also create as many seeds as you want
python seeddata --seeds=N apps.model.Model
This will generate N seeds for apps.model.Model
Another option that you can use is to generate related models. This is
used for foreign key references where we need to recursively generate
seeds for models. The default behaviour for this is disabled, meaning
that a randomly selected existing model will be used for the related
model field. We override this by doing the following
python seeddata --generate-related apps.model.Model
One limitation to this behavior is that the data seeder will not generate
a related model if the relation is the model itself. This would cause an
infinite recursion.
For more information about the seeddata command, please look at the
help page.
python help seeddata

Using the Django Admin Site
For convenience, you can also use the out-of-the-box Administrator site
included with Django to generate your seeds.
To do this, you must register your models with the admin site using the
custom ModelAdmin class provided. For example, in for
your app
from django.contrib import admin

from .models import MyModel
from data_seeder.admin import DataGeneratorAdmin, DataGeneratorAdmin)
This will add a button to the model page in the admin site to generate
data, which will provide you with the same options available in the
management command.
You can also register your models using a decorator instead
from django.contrib import admin

from .models import MyModel
from data_seeder.admin import data_generator_register

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

You can find the latest development version on GitHub. Feel free to
fork it, file bugs, or contribute.
Feel free to send me a message by email or twitter.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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