django-debugtools 2.0

Creator: danarutscher

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djangodebugtools 2.0

The debugtools module offers some easy to use debugging utilities to assist Django development.
It features:

A template tag to print context.
A XViewMiddleware variation to see which view and template was used to render a page.
A panel for django-debug-toolbar to show which view and template was used to render a page.
A jQuery debug() function.

First install the module, preferably in a virtual environment. It can be installed from PyPI:
pip install django-debugtools
Or the current folder can be installed:
pip install .

Add the module to the installed apps:
As of Django 1.9, either use {% load debugtools_tags %} or add the following to the settings:
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [
# ...
'builtins': [ # Add this section
"debugtools.templatetags.debugtools_tags", # Add this line
Or, when you use a settings file:
TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['builtins'] += [
"debugtools.templatetags.debugtools_tags", # enables {% print %}


Print Template Tag
In Django templates, the following code can be used:
{% print variable1 variable2 %}
This will print out the specific variables, in case of {% print original %}:

When no variables are given (e.g. {% print %}), all context variables are displayed:

The template context variables are printed in a customized pprint.pformat format, for easy reading.
Note no {% load %} tag is needed; the {% print %} function is added to the template builtins for debugging convenience.

Print Queries template tag
For convenience, there is also a {% print_queries %} tag,
based on
For more sophisticated debugging, you may want to use the django-debug-toolbar for this job.

Debug Toolbar Panel
Add the following settings to your django-debug-toolbar configuration:
'debugtools.panels.ViewPanel', # Add this one

jQuery debug print
Add the following to the page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}debugtools/jquery.debug.js"></script>
Now you can print the jQuery selector context to the console:
This will print the matched <li> elements in the console, among with the current jQuery selector.
Optionally, a prefix can be included in the debug() call:
$("#foo").debug("at baz: ").addClass('bar');

X-View Middleware
As alternative to the django-debug-toolbar panel, you can also add the XViewMiddleware.
Add the following setting:

All requests from the internal IP, or made by the admin user will have a X-View header and X-View-Template header.
In the Firebug console, or Chrome web inspector, you can see which view and template handled the current request:

The alternative templates are also displayed, in case the view allows the template to be overwritten with a different name.

Print tag examples
For example, when using the following code:
{% print original %}

{% print inline_admin_formset %}

{% for inline_admin_form in inline_admin_formset %}
{% print inline_admin_form %}
{% print %}
{% endfor %}
It prints the context values, which helps to learn a lot about the template context:

This makes it much easier to understand what the code provides to templates.


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