django-embed-video 1.4.10

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangoembedvideo 1.4.10

Django app for easy embedding YouTube and Vimeo videos and music from SoundCloud.

Documentation is at:

Quick start

Install django-embed-video:
pip install django-embed-video
or from sources
pip install git+

Add embed_video to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings.
If you want to detect HTTP/S in template tags, you have to set request
context processor in settings.TEMPLATES:
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
# ...
'context_processors': [
# ...

Usage of template tags:
{% load embed_video_tags %}

<!-- The video tag: -->
{% video as my_video %}
URL: {{ my_video.url }}
Thumbnail: {{ my_video.thumbnail }}
Backend: {{ my_video.backend }}

{% video my_video "large" %}
{% endvideo %}

<!-- Or embed shortcut: -->
{% video my_video '800x600' %}

Usage of model fields
from django.db import models
from embed_video.fields import EmbedVideoField

class Item(models.Model):
video = EmbedVideoField() # same like models.URLField()

This is a Jazzband project.
By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct
and follow the guidelines.


Release 1.4.10 (May 7, 2024)

Update Python and Django versions.
Use importlib.metadata instead of deprecated pkg_resources.

Release 1.4.9 (July 1, 2023)

Update Python and Django versions.
Fix Soundcloud tests.
Add example sites.

Release 1.4.8 (November 19, 2022)

Fixes in migrations and documentation.

Release 1.4.7 (September 28, 2022)

Fix rST file formatting for release automation approval.

Release 1.4.6 (September 28, 2022)

Use Django 3.2 LTS for the example project.
Add URLvalidator to validate input in the admin widget.

Release 1.4.5 (September 1, 2022)

Add support for Django 4.1

Release 1.4.4 (April 18, 2022)

Drop support for EOL Django 2.2.

Release 1.4.3 (April 8, 2022)

Add support for YouTube short URLs.

Release 1.4.2 (March 17, 2022)

Add Polish translation

Release 1.4.1 (January 6, 2022)

Add Code of Conduct to repository
Add support for Python 3.10
Add support for Django 3.2 and Django 4.0
Drop support for EOL Python 3.6
Drop support for EOL Django 3.0 and EOL Django 3.1
Remove Nose from dependencies due to version incompatibility

Release 1.4.0 (December 18, 2020)

Add lazy loading for video template tags.
Handle Vimeo admin “manage” URLs
Migrate from Travis CI to GitHub Actions.
Drop unsupported Django versions prior to 2.2.
Add support for Python up to 3.9.
Add support for Django up to 3.1.
Improve code formatting.

Release 1.3.3 (June 10, 2020)

Fix admin UI exception with form validation.

Release 1.3.2 (March 29, 2020)

Add support for Soundcloud mobile URLs.

Release 1.3.1 (January 6, 2020)

Add support for Vimeo review video URLs.
Update example project code.

Release 1.3 (August 30, 2019)

Drop unsupported Python version prior to 3.6.
Drop unsupported Django versions prior to 1.11.
Add support for Python up to 3.8 including PyPy.
Add support for Django up to 2.2.
Improve project structure, docs and language.
Improve CI and CD infrastructure and automation.
Move project to Jazzband organization.

Release 1.2.0 (October 04, 2018)

hotfix docs directive
update docs
use tests_require and setup_requires for nose testing requirements
add renderer kwarg to Widget render method to support Python 2.1 and later
enable default HTTPS support for YouTube, VimeoBackend, SoundCloudBackend
added syntax highlight in README.rst
updating requests >=2.19

Release 1.1.2 (April 27, 2017)

fix pypi

Release 1.1.1 (March 24, 2017)

updates for Django 1.10 and 1.11
update requirements for installation of the example project
use secure connection to query soundcloud endpoint

Release 1.1.0 (Jan 19, 2016)

added support fort Django 1.9
if possible YouTube thumbnails are returned in better resolution

Release 1.0.0 (May 01, 2015)
Backward incompatible changes:

filter embed_video_tags.embed has been removed
changed behaviour of extra params in video tag
(#34, #36)

Backward compatible changes:

added support for Django 1.7 and Django 1.8
added support for Vimeo channels
fix resizing of SoundCloud iframe

Release 0.11 (July 26, 2014)

add support for YouTube mobile urls
fix passing parameters in calling request library
fix validation of urls

Release 0.10 (May 24, 2014)

video tag accepts kwargs
video tag will not crash anymore with None passed as url

Release 0.9 (Apr. 04, 2014)

Add VideoBackend.template_name and rendering embed code from file.
Allow relative sizes in template tag
Fix handling invalid urls of SoundCloud.
Catch VideoDoesntExistException and UnknownBackendException in
template tags and admin widget.
Add base exception EmbedVideoException.

Release 0.8 (Feb. 22, 2014)

Add EMBED_VIDEO_TIMEOUT to settings.
Fix renderering template tag if no url is provided
If EMBED_VIDEO_TIMEOUT timeout is reached in templates, no exception is
raised, error is just logged.
Fix default size in template tag.
(See more…)

Release 0.7 (Dec. 21, 2013)

Support for sites running on HTTPS
embed filter is deprecated and replaced by video filter.
caching for whole backends was removed and replaced by caching properties
minor improvements on example project (fixtures, urls)

Release 0.6 (Oct. 04, 2013)

Ability to overwrite embed code of backend
Caching backends properties
PyPy compatibility
Admin video mixin and video widget

Release 0.5 (Sep. 03, 2013)

Added Vimeo thumbnails support
Added caching of results
Added example project
Fixed template tag embed
Fixed raising UnknownIdException in YouTube detecting.

Release 0.4 (Aug. 22, 2013)

Documentation was rewrited and moved to .
Custom backends
Improved YouTube and Vimeo regex.
Support for Python 3.
Renamed base to backends.

Release 0.3 (Aug. 20, 2013)

Security fix: faked urls are treated as invalid. See this page
for more details.

allow of empty video field.
requirements in

Added simplier way to embed video in one-line template tag:
{{ ''|embed:'large' }}

backend variable in video template tag.
{% video as my_video %}
Backend: {{ my_video.backend }}
{% endvideo %}

Release 0.2 (June 25, 2013)

Support of SoundCloud

Release 0.1 (June 1, 2013)

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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