django-estimators 0.2.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangoestimators 0.2.1

Tidy Persistence and Retrieval for Machine Learning

Django-Estimators helps persist and track machine learning models (aka estimators) and datasets.
This library provides a series of proxy objects that wrap common python machine learning objects and dataset objects. As a result, this library can be used to version, track progress and deploy models. It’s highly extensible and can be used with almost any python object (scikit-learn, numpy arrays, modules, methods).
This repo utilizes django as an ORM. If you’d like to work outside of django, try the sqlalchemy-based estimators library instead.

Django-estimators is on PyPI, so just run:
pip install django-estimators

Quick start
1. Add “estimators” to your INSTALLED_APPS django setting like this
2. To create the estimators table, run
python migrate
3. Run python shell and get create new models like so
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
rfc = RandomForestClassifier()

from estimators.models import Estimator
est = Estimator(estimator=rfc)
est.description = 'a simple forest'
4. Retrieve your model, using the classic django orm, we can pull the last Estimator
est = Estimator.objects.last()
# now use your estimator

Use Case: Retrieving Models/Estimators
If you aren’t sure if it exists, the recommended method is to use the get_or_create method
est = Estimator.objects.get_or_create(estimator=object)
# or potentially update it with update_or_create
est = Estimator.objects.update_or_create(estimator=object)
If you already have the model, in this case of type object
est = Estimator.objects.filter(estimator=object).first()
If you know the unique hash of the model
est = Estimator.objects.filter(object_hash='d9c9f286391652b89978a6961b52b674').first()

Use Case: Persisting and Retrieving DataSets
The DataSet class functions just like the Estimator class. If you have
a numpy matrix or a pandas dataframe, you can wrap it with a DataSet object
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,10,(100,8)))

from estimators.models import DataSet

ds = DataSet(data=df)
You can pull that same DataSet object later with
ds = DataSet.objects.latest('create_date')
And if you already have the dataset
ds = DataSet.objects.filter(data=df).first()

Use Case: Persisting Predictions and Results
Sometimes the most valuable part of a machine learning is the whole process.
Using an Evaluator object, we can define the relationships between X_test, y_test and
y_predicted ahead of time.
Then we can evaluate the evaluation plan, which in turn calls the predict method on the estimator
and then presists all the wrapped objects.
Here’s a demo of using an Evaluator.
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

digits = load_digits() # 1797 by 64
X =
y =

# simple splitting for validation testing
X_train, X_test = X[:1200], X[1200:]
y_train, y_test = y[:1200], y[1200:]

rfc = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train)
Now create your evaluation plan
from estimators.models import Evaluator
plan = Evaluator(X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, estimator=rfc)

result = plan.evaluate() # executes `predict` method on X_test
And you can view all the atributes on the evaluation result
result.y_test # optional, used with supervised classifiers

Using with Jupyter Notebook (or without a django app)
Django-Estimators can run as a standalone django app.In order to have access to the django db, you’ll need to set up the environment variable to load up your django project. In ipython, by default you can set the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to estimators.template_settings like so
import os
import django
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "estimators.template_settings"
If you’re creating a new database (by default it’s db.sqlite3). Therefore we need to run migrations, so in python
from import call_command
Now you can continue you as usual…
from estimators.models import Estimator
To use your own custom settings, make a copy of the estimators.template_settings and edit the fields. Like above, run os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "custom_settings_file" before running django.setup().

Development Installation
To install the latest version of django-estimators, clone the repo, change directory to the repo, and pip install it into your current virtual environment.:
$ git clone
$ cd django-estimators
$ <activate your project’s virtual environment>
(virtualenv) $ pip install -e . # the dot specifies for this current repo


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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