django-events-rest-framework 0.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangoeventsrestframework 0.1

=====Events=====django-events is a package for the process of scheduling events using Django Rest Framework. Events can be scheduled in a daily,monthly and in few other ways which can be easily integrated with full calendar.Use this package with postgres database.Detailed documentation is in the "docs" directory.Quick start-----------1. Add "events" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'events', ]2. Include the polls URLconf in your project like this:: path('events/', include('events.urls')),3. Run `python migrate` to create the events models.4. Start the development server ,` is the endpoint for creating and viewing the events.5. GET request needs to be of the form `"start date goes here"&end="end date goes here"`.6 POST request (URL:``) should contain : * title : Some name for the event * start_date : Starting date of the event * start_time : Starting time of the event * end_time : ending time of the event * end_recurring_date : if the event is reccurring then this date will be used as a limiting end_recurring_date * repeats : 0 - if the event occurs only once , 1 if the event is reccurring * repeat_frequenct : 0 - if the event occurs only once, 1 if for daily ,2 for weekly ,3 for monthly * dow : days of week in which the event occurs ( only for weekly and monthly ) * week_type : only for monthly ( 0:first week of the month ,1:second week of the month ...)


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