django-facebook-insights 0.1.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangofacebookinsights 0.1.0

Collect and store Facebook Insights metrics using Django models.
This app provides a flexible abstract model with method fetch(). It gets all
required metrics with a single batch request to Graph API and puts them into
your child model’s fields.

Django 1.7 to 1.10 on Python 2.7
Django 1.8 to 1.10 on Python 3.4 and 3.5
facebook-sdk 1.0.0+


Usage example
Mapping metrics to fields
Extracting field values
Getting object_id from a related object
Reporting bugs
Contributing code

Install the app with pip:
$ pip install django-facebook-insights
Add ‘facebook_insights’ to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:
Finally, provide a valid access token with the ‘read_insights’ permission using

Usage example
In the simplest case, all you need to do is to write code similar to the
one below:
from django.db import models
from facebook_insights.models import Insights

# Inherit from the abstract 'Insights' model
class PostInsights(Insights):
# List metrics you're intrested in
# Define field 'graph_id' to hold the Facebook ids of objects
graph_id = models.CharField(max_length=100)
# Define fields to store the metrics
impressions = models.PositiveIntegerField()
impressions_unique = models.PositiveIntegerField()
stories = models.PositiveIntegerField()
stories_by_action_type = models.CharField(max_length=100)

If you want to use a different name for the graph id field, change
attribute GRAPH_ID_FIELD to the desired value.

Now, you can instantiate the model and call fetch() to get the metrics from
Facebook’s servers:
>>> post_insights = PostInsights(graph_id=your_post_id)
>>> post_insights.fetch()
>>> post_insights.impressions
>>> post_insights.impressions_unique
>>> post_insights.stories
>>> post_insights.stories_by_action_type
'{"like": 40, "share": 30, "comment": 30}'

Mapping metrics to fields
To figure out which metrics belong to which fields, the app uses the following
simple algorithm:

Take the metric name as the base name.
Remove the object type prefix ('post_', 'page_' or 'domain_'),
if attribute REMOVE_PREFIX is set to True (the default).
The prefix is removed, so we can, for instance, access the
‘post_impressions’ metric as post_insights.impressions instead of

The full list of metrics with their periods can be found in Graph API
Reference on Object Insights.

If you want to use a more complex algorithm, you need to override the
get_field_name() method.

Extracting field values
Values associated with page metrics are quite complex. They are available for
several periods (e.g. day, week, 28 days) and include data for 3 consecutive
days. By contrast, values of most of post metrics are available only for one
period (lifetime) and represent the current state of things.
The extraction of metric values is the responsibility of the
get_field_value() method. The default implementation works as follows:

If a metric has several periods, return the dictionary of mappings between
the periods and the last available values for these periods serialized into
JSON, for example, ‘{“day”: 10, “week”: 70, “days_28”: 300”}’. The data
for previous days are discarded.
If a metric is provided only for a single period, then simply return the
value (serialize, if it’s not a number).

Feel free to override the method, if you want something else.

Getting object_id from a related object
In case you already have a model representing a Facebook page or post, you will
likely want to get the graph ids from instances of this model. To do this,
all you need is to set attribute RELATED_OBJECT_FIELD to the name of the field
referencing the related object:
class Page(models.Model):
graph_id = models.CharField(
help_text="The page's ID on Facebook",

class PageInsights(Insights):
METRICS = [ ... ]
page = models.OneToOneField(

Reporting bugs
If you’ve found a bug:

Check to see if there’s an existing issue/pull request for the bug.


If there isn’t one, file an issue. A bug report should include:

a description of the problem
instructions on how to recreate the bug
versions of your Python interpreter and Django

Contributing code

Fork the project on GitHub to your account.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone

Setup a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install django
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

In directory ‘tests’ create a file named ‘’. In this file, set
the FACEBOOK_INSIGHTS_ACCESS_TOKEN setting’. Alternatively, define an
environment variable with the same name.

Run tests to ensure everything is OK:
$ python
You can use -h or –help to see options available to the script.

Create a topic branch and commit your changes there.
Push the branch up to GitHub.
Create a new pull request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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