django-gulp-rev 0.2

Creator: danarutscher

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djangogulprev 0.2

===============django-gulp-rev===============Django gulp-rev is a simple Django app that integrates `gulp-rev<>`_ with your Django website.django-gulp-rev looks for your rev-manifest.json file generated by gulp-rev andparses it to provide dynamic versioned paths to your static assets. In default,the rev-manifest.json file should be in your STATIC_ROOT directory.When DEBUG == True, django-gulp-rev doesn't use the rev-manifest.json file, instead it appends random characters at the end of the file, like this: /devstatic/css/main.css?39daksdWhen DEBUG is set to False, everything works as expected, and django-gulp-rev uses your rev-manifest.json file to return a versioned static url: /static/css/main-39daksd.cssQuick start-----------1. Add "gulp_rev" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'gulp_rev', ]2. Load "rev" in your templates: {% load 'rev' %}3. Use in your templates like this: {% static_rev 'css/main.css' %}Configuration-------------``DJANGO_GULP_REV_PATH``~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Override default STATIC_ROOT/rev-manifest.json filepath


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