django-openacct 0.0.5

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangoopenacct 0.0.5

OpenAcct is a pluggable Django app for managing research computing center project accounting.
It is intended to provide a flexible, scheduler-agnostic alternative to other Allocation and Account Management Database
tools like Gold, Moab Account Manager, and the SlurmDBD. OpenAcct allows for definition of multiple Services per System,
each with their own units of resource consumption and charge rates. Charging is managed through Transactions, which bind
an amount of a Service’s resources consumed with an Account responsible for any charges incurred by that consumption.
Transaction objects can be individually tracked, selectively charged, and refunded when needed to maintain an event-based
history of account activity.

django-openacct can be installed from PyPI, and requires no external dependencies aside from Django.
?> pip install django-openacct

Quick Start
The following shows a small setup script being piped into the Django shell interpreter:
?> cat

from openacct.models import *
from openacct.shortcuts import *

# Create a System and Service for a cluster
cluster = System.objects.create(name='cluster', description='A Cluster')
service = Service.objects.create(
name='cluster-core-hours', units='core-hours', system=cluster,
charge_rate=0.05, description='CPU core usage * wallclock hours'

# Create Users
bob = User.objects.create(name='bob')
sue = User.objects.create(name='sue')
tux = User.objects.create(name='tux')

# Create Projects and grant access to the cluster's service
phys = create_project('phys', pi=bob, description='Physics Dept')
chem = create_project('chem', pi=sue, description='Chemsitry Dept')
grant_service_access(service, project=phys)
grant_service_access(service, project=chem)

# Add a user to the projects
add_user_to_project(tux, chem)
add_user_to_project('tux', 'phys')

?> ./ shell <
This example shows a basic setup for a center, with a single compute resource
which is charged on a per core-hour basis. Several users and two projects, one
for a Physics Department, and another for a Chemistry Department, are created.
Access to use a service is managed through Accounts, which are being implicitly
created for each project. When passing the project parameter to
grant_service_access, all active accounts are granted the same access.
Accounts can be created explicitly and granted access individually when desired.
Finally, the user tux is added to both of the created projects,
demonstrating how the shortcut functions will accept both the name of an object
or the object itself for all parameters referencing one of the models in the
With this setup in place, job records could be added to the database as Job
objects, with Transactions making use of the cluster-core-hour service
linked to them.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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