django-pjax 1.7

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangopjax 1.7

An improvement of Django-PJAX: The Django helper for jQuery-PJAX.

What’s PJAX?
PJAX is essentially AHAH (“Asynchronous HTML and HTTP”), except with
real permalinks and a working back button. It lets you load just a
portion of a page (so things are faster) while still maintaining the
usability of real links.
A demo makes more sense, so check out the one defunkt put together.

This project is an extension of Django-PJAX and all credits from the
original version goes to Jacob Kaplan-Moss.

This project keeps the original structure, but add new features to it,
and aims to keep django-pjax updated. Some goals are to keep this
project working with Python 2.7+ and 3.3+ and also Django 1.5+.
Feel free to submit a PR and contribute to this project.


Python 2.6+ or 3.2+
PyPy or PyPy3
Django 1.3+

Not all Django versions works with Python, PyPy or CPython. See the
Django docs to know more about supported versions.

Just run:
pip install django-pjax

First, read about how to use jQuery-PJAX and pick one of the
techniques there.
Next, make sure the views you’re PJAXing are using TemplateResponse.
You can’t use Django-PJAX with a normal HttpResponse, only

PJAX decorator
The pjax decorator:
pjax(pjax_template=None, additional_templates=None, follow_redirects=False)
pjax_template (str): default template.
additional_templates (dict): additional templates for multiple
follow_redirects (bool): if True, all django redirects will force a
page reload, instead of placing the content in the pjax context.
Decorate these views with the pjax decorator:
from djpjax import pjax

def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, "template.html", {'my': 'context'})
After doing this, if the request is made via jQuery-PJAX, the
@pjax() decorator will automatically swap out template.html for
More formally: if the request is a PJAX request, the template used in
your TemplateResponse will be replaced with one with -pjax
before the file extension. So template.html becomes
template-pjax.html, my.template.xml becomes
my.template-pjax.xml, etc. If there’s no file extension, the
template name will just be suffixed with -pjax.
You can also manually pick a PJAX template by passing it as an argument
to the decorator:
from djpjax import pjax

def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, "template.html", {'my': 'context'})
You can also pick a PJAX template for a PJAX container and use multiple
decorators to define the template for multiple containers:
from djpjax import pjax

additional_templates={"#pjax-inner-content": "pjax_inner.html")
def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, "template.html", {'my': 'context'})

Class-based view
If you’d like to use Django 1.3’s class-based views instead, a PJAX
Mixin class is provided as well. Simply use PJAXResponseMixin where
you would normally have used TemplateResponseMixin, and your
template_name will be treated the same way as above.
You can alternately provide a pjax_template_name class variable if
you want a specific template used for PJAX responses:
from django.views.generic import View
from djpjax import PJAXResponseMixin

class MyView(PJAXResponseMixin, View):
template_name = "template.html"
pjax_template_name = "pjax.html"

def get(self, request):
return self.render_to_response({'my': 'context'})
That’s it!

Using Template Extensions
If the content in your template-pjax.html file is very similar to
your template.html an alternative method of operation is to use the
decorator pjaxtend, as follows:
from djpjax import pjaxtend

def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, "template.html", {'my': 'context'})
Then, in your template.html file you can do the following:
{% extends parent %}
Note that the template will extend base.html unless its a pjax
request in which case it will extend pjax.html.
If you want to define the parent for a standard http or pjax request,
you can do so as follows:
from djpjax import pjaxtend

@pjaxtend('someapp/base.html', 'my-pjax-extension.html')
def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, "template.html", {'my': 'context'})
Using this approach you don’t need to create many *-pjax.html files.
If you have a collision with the variable name parent you can
specify the context variable to use as the third parameter to pjaxtexd,
as follows:
from djpjax import pjaxtend

@pjaxtend('someapp/base.html', 'my-pjax-extension.html', 'my_parent')
def my_view(request):
return TemplateResponse(request, "template.html", {'my': 'context'})
Which would require the following in your template:
{% extends my_parent %}

Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the tests:


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