django-sendgrid-webhook 0.3.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangosendgridwebhook 0.3.0

[![Build Status](]( [![Join the chat at](]( django app enables you to send emails to sendgrid and receive callbacks to monitor the status of all your emails. You can also attach them to a related object in your own app. A signal will be dispatched every time a new callback isreceived (and also when the email is created for the first time). We also provide helper classes which inherit from the email classes in `django.core.mail` which means you can transparently switch out the django classes with ours. Installation============1. `pip install django-sendgrid-webhook`2. Add app to INSTALLED_APPS ```python INSTALLED_APPS += 'sendgrid' ```3. South compatibility (Django < 1.7) If you're using Django >= 1.7 you don't have to do anything. For users with older versions, South tries to use the new Django migrations instead of the South migrations. Please add the following code snippet to your settings: ```python SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES = { 'sendgrid': 'sendgrid.south_migrations', } ```4. Run `python syncdb` to install the new Email model5. Include `sendgrid.urls` at some point in your url structure. E.g. in `/`: ```python # Sendgrid event hooks urlpatterns += patterns( '', url(r'^', include('sendgrid.urls')), ) ``` This will add the callback path `/sendgrid_callback/`.6. Go to and add the App `Event Notification`.7. Configure the App to send the events you'd like to and add the Callback URL. If you included `sendgrid.urls` like mentioned above it would be : ``Configuration=============Our classes in `sendgrid.utils` are inheriting from the default classes of `django.core.mail`, so you just need to configure your SMTP settings as shown in to use them. Configuration Options---------------------Currently we only have one configuration option which can be added to the django settings.Adding `SENDGRID_EVENTS_IGNORE_MISSING = True` to your settings will silently ignore callbacks for emails which are sent without a UUID. This is very helpful because Sendgrid would otherwise receive a non-200 answer from our webhookand would try to re-deliver the same message for 24h until giving up sending messages altogether. So unless you're very sure this will never happen, you should probably enable this.Usage=====In theory you can send messages yourself by adding a UUID parameter to the `unique_args` parameter in the SMTP header `X-SMTPAPI` as specified in . But you can also save yourself the work and read the next section.Sending emails (the easy way)-----------------------------`sendgrid.utils.SendgridEmailMessage` and `sendgrid.utils.SendgridEmailMultiAlternatives` can be used instead of theDjango versions in `django.core.mail`. In fact the easiest transition is to just replace every use of `from django.core.mail import EmailMessage` with `from sendgrid.utils import SendgridEmailMessage as EmailMessage`.From then on every email you send will include an UUID parameter to track the callback, and a new instance of the model `sendgrid.models.Email` will be created and updated on every callback received.You can also attach a related object to the `Email` object by passing an `obj` parameter in the `.send()` function of`SendgridEmailMessage` or `SendgridEmailMultiAlternatives`.Signals-------Every time a new object is created or a callback is received, the signal `sendgrid.signals.email_event` is dispatched.See for more details on Django signals.


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