django-simple-api-auth 0.0.2

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangosimpleapiauth 0.0.2

Django Simple Api Auth is a Django app to help developers with the Session auth of a rest or graphql api in Django.

Django Rest Framework


Create user
Social login
Get user data (Me)
Recover user password
Overwrite emails
Overwrite Me fields (Not implemented for ariadne)
Reset password vía API

You should read about the CSRF protection in django

You have to send X-CSRFToken token in headers
Rest framework disable csrf in views using csrf_exempt, and adding the validation to the SessionAuthentication
Graphene don’t do anything with the csrf validation, so you have to exempt them when it makes sense. You can use the view of this example or create your own. Don’t disable it for all the endpoints.

Quick start
Add django_simple_api_auth and dependencies to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

Rest framework
You can add the main ViewSet that has all the permissions and features implemented to your router:
router.register(r'users', UserApiViewSet, 'users')
Or you can use mixins to create your own viewset:
class UserCompleteViewSet(UserCreateMixin, UserLoginMixin, UserMeMixin, UserPasswordRecoveryMixin, UserLogoutMixin, UserSocialLoginMixin):

You can add the user queries and mutations to your schema:
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.mutations import UsersMutation
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.queries import UserQuery

class Query(UserQuery, graphene.ObjectType):

class Mutation(UsersMutation, graphene.ObjectType):

schema = graphene.Schema(
or you can create your own query and mutation:
class UsersMutation(graphene.ObjectType):
user_create = UserCreateMutation.Field()
user_login = UserLoginMutation.Field()
user_social_login = UserSocialLoginMutation.Field()
user_logout = UserLogoutMutation.Field()
user_password_recovery = UserPasswordRecoveryMutation.Field()
user_reset_password = UserResetPasswordMutation.Field()

class UserQuery(ObjectType):
get_me = Field(AuthUserType)

def resolve_get_me(self, info, **kwargs):
return info.context.user

You have to add the user queries and mutations to your schema manually:
type Mutation {
userCreate(input: UserCreateMutationInput!): UserCreateMutationPayload
userLogin(input: UserLoginMutationInput!): UserLoginMutationPayload
userLogout(input: UserLogoutMutationInput!): UserLogoutMutationPayload
userPasswordRecovery(input: UserPasswordRecoveryMutationInput!): UserPasswordRecoveryMutationPayload
userResetPassword(input: UserResetPasswordMutationInput!): UserResetPasswordMutationPayload
userSocialLogin(input: UserSocialLoginMutationInput!): UserSocialLoginMutationPayload

type Query {
getMe: AuthUserType
and then you have to add types and ObjectTypes to your executable schema, for example:
import os

from ariadne import make_executable_schema, gql, load_schema_from_path
import django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne.mutations import mutation as auth_mutations
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne.queries import query as auth_query
from example.graphqls.ariadne.queries import query

auth_types_graphql_dirname = os.path.dirname(django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne.__file__)
auth_mutations_type_defs = gql(load_schema_from_path(f"{auth_types_graphql_dirname}/mutations.graphql"))
auth_queries_type_defs = gql(load_schema_from_path(f"{auth_types_graphql_dirname}/queries.graphql"))
type_defs = gql(load_schema_from_path('./graphqls/ariadne/scheme.graphql'))

type_defs_list = [
schema = make_executable_schema([*type_defs_list], [auth_mutations, auth_query, query])

Create user
User creation is based on BaseUserManager and it manages if you override the USERNAME_FIELD of the user model to use the email field for authentication and login.

Social login
We have the endpoints available to use the social-app-django so read their doc to use it.

Recover user password
By default, email sent to recover user password has a link to ‘s/accounts/reset’. The easiest way of handle this is to use the django admin views but you can overwrite the REMEMBER_PASSWORD_URL to send to another location.
If you want to use the default link you have to add admin views to your project:
add to your settings:
REMEMBER_PASSWORD_URL = 'front-endpoint'
add to your views:
path('accounts/', include('django.contrib.auth.urls')),
If you handle de remember password in your frontend, you can use the reset-password endpoint.

Overwrite emails
You can overwrite emails templates adding new templates to your project:
- project_name/
- project_name/
- templates/

Overwrite Me fields
You can overwrite default fields that the rest and graphql endpoint returns for an authenticated user updating the ME_FIELDS settings:
ME_FIELDS = ("id", "email",)
this feature can’t be implemented for ariadne because of the schema first approach.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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