django-simple_perms 1.0.5

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangosimple perms 1.0.5

Really simple permission backend for django
Class based, No database, Object level
Inspired by django-permission
Tested with Django 3.2 to 5.0 - python 3.8 to 3.12.
For older django versions, use django-simple_perms 0.2.8
The app autodiscover module in your project's apps.
This modules should register PermissionLogic based class.
When calling django's has_perm method, it will run the corresponding method name in your PermissionLogic class.
See usage section below for comprehensive example.
Install from pypi :
pip install django-simple_perms

poetry add django-simple_perms
# ...
'simple_perms', # Add simple_perms app to your INSTALLED_APPS
# ...

'simple_perms.PermissionBackend', # Add permission backend before django's one

from simple_perms import register, PermissionLogic

class ProjectLogic(PermissionLogic):

def add_project(self, user, project, perm):
return True

def change_project(self, user, project, perm):
return user.is_admin() or project.owner == user

delete_project = change_project

def default_permission(self, user, project, perm):
# Optional, default to global default permission, which default to False
return user.is_admin()

register('project_app', ProjectLogic)

user1.has_perm('project_app.add_project') # True
user1.has_perm('project_app.change_project', user1_project) # True
user1.has_perm('project_app.delete_project', user1_project) # True
user2.has_perm('project_app.change_project', user1_project) # False
admin.has_perm('project_app.change_project', user1_project) # True

Default permission
If a checked permission doesn't exists in registered PermissionLogic based classe, the backend will run the default_permission method of this class. If no default_permission defined, it default to the global default permission which default to False.
Change global default permission

def custom_global_default_permission(user, obj, perm):
return user.is_admin()

global_default_permission and default_permission have the same arguments as others permissions : (user, obj, perm)
Change autodiscovered module name
simple_perms autodiscover modules in every django's apps. You can change the module name to autodiscover using the SIMPLE_PERMS_MODULE_NAME setting :

Run tests

Helper for your tests
from django.test import TestCase
from simple_perms.helpers import AssertPermissions

class TestContractPermission(AssertPermissions, TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.admin = UserFactory(role="admin")
self.contract = ContractFactory()

def test_permissions_for_admin(self):
permissions = [
{ 'usr': 'admin', 'perm': 'contracts.add', 'args': (None,), 'result': True, },
{ 'usr': 'admin', 'perm': 'contracts.view', 'args': (self.contract, ), 'result': True, },
{ 'usr': 'admin', 'perm': 'contracts.change', 'args': (self.contract, ), 'result': True, },

Which fails:
FAIL: test_permissions_for_admin (contracts.tests.perms.TestContractPermission)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/django/contracts/tests/", line 48, in test_permissions_of_admin
File "/app/django/django-simple_perms/simple_perms/", line 37, in assertPerms
raise e
File "/app/django/django-simple_perms/simple_perms/", line 66, in _test_permission_
getattr(self, permission['usr']).has_perm(permission['perm'], *permission['args'])
AssertionError: ('PERM ERROR admin contracts.add: False is not true', 'PERM ERROR admin contracts.view: False is not true', 'PERM ERROR admin contracts.change: False is not true')


Setup dev environnement
# install dev dependencies
poetry install --no-root
# install git pre-commit
pre-commit install

Build package and publish on PyPI
Change version number in pyproject.toml
poetry build
poetry publish


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