django-sonic-screwdriver 0.2.2

Creator: codyrutscher

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djangosonicscrewdriver 0.2.2

Django Sonic Screwdriver========================.. image:: :target: image:: :target: :alt: Code Climate.. image:: :target: Sonic Screwdriver is a collection of very useful commands and will make your life easier.The versioning tool fully supports `PEP 0440<>`_.Installation------------You can download the latest version from the Python Package Index PyPI... code:: bash $ pip install django-sonic-screwdriverAdd the package to your code:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_sonic_screwdriver', ... )Settings--------.. code:: python SONIC_SCREWDRIVER = { # For test purpose 'DEBUG': False, # Returns file where the version number is located 'VERSION_FILE': '', 'RELEASE_SEPARATOR': '', # '_', '-', '.' 'PATCH_AUTO_TAG': False, 'PATCH_AUTO_TAG_PUSH': False, 'PATCH_AUTO_COMMIT': False, 'GIT_DIR': setting.BASE_DIR, # Git Tagging 'GIT_TAG_AUTO_COMMIT': False, 'GIT_TAG_AUTO_TAG_PUSH': False, 'GIT_STAGING_PRE_TAG': 'staging', 'GIT_ACTIVATE_PRE_TAG': 'activate', 'SECURE_TAGGING': True, }**Description:**======= ======= ===========Setting Default Description======= ======= ===========DEBUG False Enables or disables the debug mode. For testing purposes.VERSION_FILE '' Specifies, where you safe your project Version. It should be just on place - any other should refer to this one.RELEASE_SEPARATOR '' The RELEASE_SEPARATOR is the seperator between the version number and the relase. E.g. v0.1.2b0, v0.1.2_b0, v0.1.2-b0, v0.1.2.b0. All of this variants is support by `PEP 0440<>`_.PATCH_AUTO_TAG False If True, Sonic Screwdriver tries to create automatically a tag from every patch you create with ./ patch.PATCH_AUTO_TAG_PUSH False If True, after creating a tag via './ patch', Sonic Screwdriver will try to push this tag automatically.PATCH_AUTO_COMMIT False NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!GIT_DIR settings.BASE_DIR Specify your project root dir.GIT_TAG_AUTO_COMMIT False NOT IMPLEMENTED!GIT_TAG_AUTO_TAG_PUSH False If True, Sonic Screwdriver pushes automatically the current created tags.GIT_STAGING_PRE_TAG 'staging' Pre tag for git.GIT_ACTIVATE_PRE_TAG 'activate' Pre tag for git.SECURE_TAGGING True Security for production tags. If True, Sonic Screwdriver checks the remote repository for a staging tag of the current requested production version. Developer will be able to create a production tag only then, if the same version exists as staging tag.======= ======= ===========Commands--------cache:clear~~~~~~~~~~~Clear the cache.gen:secretkey~~~~~~~~~~~~~Generate a new Secretkey for Django.patch~~~~~Command "patch" will help you to increase the version number of your project in a easy way.====== ===========Option Description====== ===========-M, --major Set major number-m, --minor Set minor number-p, --patch Set patch number-d, --dev Set dev release (e.g. 1.2.1dev1)-a, --alpha Set alpha release (e.g. 1.2.1a1)-b, --beta Set beta release (e.g. 1.2.1b1)-r, --release-candidate Set release candidate release (e.g. 1.2.1rc1)-f, --force Force patching====== ===========git:add~~~~~~~Add files to Git repository. Supports all standard "git add" options.====== ===========Option Description====== ===========-n, --dry-run Dry run--verbose Be verbose.-i, --interactive Interactive picking.-p, --patch Select hunks interactively.-e, --edit Edit current diff and apply.-f, --force Allow adding otherwise ignored files.-u, --update Update tracked files.-N, --intent-to-add Record only the fact that the path will be added later.-A, --all Add changes from all tracked and untracked files.--ignore-removal Ignore paths removed in the working tree (same as --no-all).--refresh Do not add, only refresh the index.--ignore-errors Just skip files which cannot be added because of errors.--ignore-missing Check if - even missing - files are ignored in dry run.====== ===========git:tag~~~~~~~Tag your project.====== ===========Option Description====== ===========--default (is default)--staging Create a staging tag (e.g. staging-v1.2.3)--activate Create a activate tag (e.g. activate-v1.2.3)--push Push tags====== ===========git:tag:push~~~~~~~~~~~~Push your tagged project.git:tag:delete~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Remove the latest or given tag from local repository.====== ===========Option Description====== ===========<tag> Remove the latest or given tag (optional).====== ===========pypi:export~~~~~~~~~~~Export your project.====== ===========Option Description====== ===========--no-wheel Export project without wheel (not recommended)-u, --upload Upload Project====== ===========pypi:upload~~~~~~~~~~~Upload project to pypi via twine.'====== ===========Option Description====== ===========--default Upload project to PyPI via twine====== ===========To Do:------[x] git:add[x] Secure production tagging[ ] git:commit[ ] Heroku Support[ ] Deis Support[ ] Docker and Vagrant blueprints[ ] ...


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