django-throttling 0.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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djangothrottling 0.0.1

django-throttling is a an attempt at creating a simple app that allows to apply
frequency limits to user’s requests.


per-view maintenance mode
per-view timeouts
view disabling
timeouts are configured with respect to request.method
custom congestion views
view timeouts support callbacks


django cache

Download django-throttling using one of the following methods:


pip install django-throttling

Checkout from GitHub
Use one of the following commands:
git clone

Add ‘django_throttling’ into INSTALLED_APPS in

Add django_throttling.middleware.ThrottleMiddleware to your
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in You may need ‘request.user’
or ‘request.session’, etc., so insert it in a right place according to
your needs.


DJANGO_THROTTLING_ENABLED: enables ‘django-throttling’. Default is False.
DJANGO_THROTTLING_CACHE_EXPIRE: how long should we keep last_access time.
If you set a large timeout for view, i.e. 24h, make sure that
DJANGO_THROTTLING_CACHE_EXPIRE is not less than your timeout.
Default is 60*60
DJANGO_THROTTLING_CACHE_PREFIX: a cache prefix for keys. Default is
THROTTLING_CACHE_KEY_PATTERNS: a dict with patterns for building the cache
keys. May be redefined in app settings. Defaults are:

view_method: cache key pattern for a view with a method specified.
Default pattern: %(prefix)s:%(view)s:%(uid)s:%(ip)s:%(method)s
view: cache key pattern for a view. Default pattern:
site_method: cache key pattern for a whole site with a method.
Default pattern: %(prefix)s:%(uid)s:%(ip)s:%(method)s
site: a global pattern. Default: %(prefix)s:%(uid)s:%(ip)s

DJANGO_THROTTLING_IGNORE_ADMINS: ignore throttling if user is admin.
Default is True.
DJANGO_THROTTLING: a dict with app-path keys that configures the limits.
{'django.contrib.admin.options.change_view': {'all': 50, 'post': 5000}}

See Usage. For more.


Global fall-backs
Fall-back timeouts setup for any request at the current site:
'all': 1000,
'post': 10000,
'congestion': 'forum.views.congestion',
That stands for “one request per second, one POST request per 10s”.
congestion is a view called after the throttle check, if it failes.
It may be a uri, i.e. /forum/congestion/. Must uri start with ‘/’.
The simplest congestion view may look like:
def congestion(request, congestion_bundle):
user = request.user
progress = int(float(congestion_bundle['delta']) / congestion_bundle['timeout'] * 100)
c = Context({'user': user, 'congestion_bundle': congestion_bundle, 'progress': progress})
return render_to_response(get_theme_template(user, 'congestion.html'), c,
congestion_bundle is a dict, populated from a process_request():
congestion_bundle = {
'view_func': self.view_func,
'view_args': self.view_args,
'view_kwargs': self.view_kwargs,
'timeout': timeout,
'delta': delta,
You may disable all POST’s on your site (‘maintenance mode’):
'all': 1000,
'post': False,
'congestion': 'forum.views.congestion',
In that case you will get HttpResponseBadRequest() on any POST.
Also, you may redirect your’s POST users to an any page:
'all': 1000,
'post': '/',
'congestion': 'forum.views.congestion',
or you can use a custom maintenance view for it:
'all': 1000,
'post': 'forum.views.maintenance',
'congestion': 'forum.views.congestion',
Maintenance view may look like:
def maintenance(request, maintenance_bundle):
return HttpPreResponse(maintenance_bundle)
If you need a special cache key builder, or just to set a timeout is not enough
for you, you can use a callback for, i.e., POST, that have to make it’s
checks and return a tuple of cache key and one of the supported timeout types:
'all': 1000,
'post': 'callable:helpers.trash.my_callback',
'congestion': 'forum.views.congestion',
And here’s the example callback:
def my_callback(request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
return 'some_strange_key_123', 10000
The full set of arguments the original view had is provided.
And don’t forget, that it is a fallback section, that used ONLY if
you have no detailed rule for view throttling.

Per-view throttling
Per-view throttling is almost the same:
'all': 1000,
'post': 'callable:helpers.trash.my_callback',
'congestion': 'forum.views.congestion',

'django.contrib.admin.options.change_view': {
'post': False,
'all': 0,
'uri': '/admin/forum/post/23/',
# 'post': 'callable:helpers.trash.my_callback',
# 'all': 4000,
First, it will disable all limits for django.contrib.admin.options.change_view.
Then, it will disable the POST method for this view, ONLY if the
request.path starts with ‘/admin/forum/post/23/’. Other options from
global setup are permitted.


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