django-thvapp 1.1.4

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangothvapp 1.1.4

thvapp is a remote visual application plugin to th system on novnc
thvapp used in iframe in django template
detail documentation is in the “docs” directory
Quick start

pip install django-thvapp
Add “thvapp” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

Include the thvapp URLconf in your project like this:
from thvapp import urls as thVAppsUrls
urlpatterns = [...] + thVAppsUrls.urlpatterns,

Set IFrame Option in like this:

Add the thvapp in your html tempalte by iframe like this:

1)、add path in project urls like this:
path(‘vapps/’, main.vApps),

2)、in main
def vApps(request):

return render(request,’vapps.html’,{})

3)、write the xterm.html tempalte file like:

<div class=”page-row”><iframe id=”webthvisual” src=”/thva/apps#/applist” frameborder=”0” width=”100%” style=”min-height: 82vh” scrolling=”yes”></iframe>

Setup thuri appid and appid in like this;

‘server’:’{ visual<shell> backend server }’,


‘VAPP_BACKEND_HOST’:’{ visualbackend server }’,

‘VAPP_BACKEND_APPID’:’{ appid }’,
‘VAPP_DEFAULT_IMGAGE_URL’:’/media/visual.png’, # default image url in front page
‘FOOTER_HEIGHT’:70, # your iframe’s parent page’s footer height
‘SCREEN_RATIO’:16 / 9, # if you want to set the remote screen ratio

‘{thcluster1}’:{“app1”: {“video”: “app1 image url”}, “app2”: {“video”: “{app2 video url}”}, …}

} # vapp icons (image or video) you can get th visual applications from THVisual client SDK then config your own icons in settings or database


Add th user 、cluster and visual applications’ icons to session when user login like this:
request.session[“systemUsername”] = “{thsystem user name}”
request.session[“cluster] = “{thcluster1}”
request.session[“vapp_icons”] = json.dumps(settings.TH_VISUALAPP_CONFIG.get(‘VAPP_ICONS’))

Use nginx proxy the porject port like this:

server {
listen 80;
server_name _;

port_in_redirect off;

location /visual/ {
proxy_pass { visualbackend server }
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_read_timeout 600s;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Upgrade httpupgrade;proxysetheaderConnection“upgrade”;proxysetheaderHosthost:serverport;proxysetheaderX−Real−IPremote_addr;
proxy_set_header REMOTE-HOST remoteaddr;proxysetheaderX−Forwarded−Forproxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


location / {
proxy_set_header Host host;proxysetheaderX−real−ipremote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_pass { django server:port };


Start the development server and visit http://yourhost:80/vapps/ you will see the web term


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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