django-tracking 0.4.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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djangotracking 0.4.1

django-tracking is a simple attempt at keeping track of visitors to
Django-powered Web sites. It also offers basic blacklisting capabilities.
The offial repository for django-tracking is at Please file any tickets there.


Tracks the following information about your visitors:

Session key
IP address
User agent
Whether or not they are a registered user and logged in
Where they came from (http-referer)
What page on your site they last visited
How many pages on your site they have visited

Allows user-agent filtering for visitor tracking
Automatic clean-up of old visitor records
Can ban certain IP addresses, rendering the site useless to visitors from
those IP’s (great for stopping spam)
The ability to have a live feed of active users on your website
Template tags to:

display how many active users there are on your site
determine how many active users are on the same page within your site

Optional “Active Visitors Map” to see where visitors are in the world

As far as I am aware, the only requirement for django-tracking to work is a
modern version of Django. I developed the project on Django 1.0 alpha 2 and
beta 1. It is designed to work with the newforms-admin functionality.
If you wish to use a Google Map to display where your visitors are probably at,
you must have a Google Maps API key, which is free. You
are required to have the GeoIP C API library installed.
You might want to grab the GeoLite City binary unless you are a paying MaxMind
customer. This is the data file that django-tracking uses to translate an
IP into a location on the planet. Configuring this feature is discussed later.

Download django-tracking using one of the following methods:

You can download the package from the CheeseShop or use:
pip install django-tracking
to download and install django-tracking.

You can download the package from the CheeseShop or use:
easy_install django-tracking
to download and install django-tracking.

Checkout from BitBucket/GitHub/Google Code
Use one of the following commands:
hg clone
git clone
hg clone django-tracking

Package Download
Download the latest .tar.gz file from the downloads section and extract it
somewhere you’ll remember.

First of all, you must add this project to your list of INSTALLED_APPS in
Run syncdb. This creates a few tables in your database that are
necessary for operation.
Depending on how you wish to use this application, you have a few options:

Visitor Tracking
Add tracking.middleware.VisitorTrackingMiddleware to your
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in It must be underneath the
AuthenticationMiddleware, so that request.user exists.

Automatic Visitor Clean-Up
If you want to have Django automatically clean past visitor information out
your database, put tracking.middleware.VisitorCleanUpMiddleware in your

IP Banning
Add tracking.middleware.BannedIPMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
in I would recommend making this the very first item in
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES so your banned users do not have to drill through any
other middleware before Django realizes they don’t belong on your site.

Visitors on Page (template tag)
Make sure that django.core.context_processors.request is somewhere in your
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS tuple. This context processor makes the
request object accessible to your templates. This application uses the
request object to determine what page the user is looking at in a template

Active Visitors Map
If you’re interested in seeing where your visitors are at a given point in
time, you might enjoy the active visitor map feature. Be sure you have added a
line to your main URLconf, as follows:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^tracking/', include('tracking.urls')),
Next, set a couple of settings in your

GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY: Your very own Google Maps API key
TRACKING_USE_GEOIP: set this to True if you want to see markers on
the map
GEOIP_PATH: set this to the absolute path on the filesystem of your
GeoIP.dat or GeoIPCity.dat or whatever file. It’s usually something
like /usr/local/share/GeoIP.dat or /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat.
GEOIP_CACHE_TYPE: The type of caching to use when dealing with GeoIP data:

0: read database from filesystem, uses least memory.
1: load database into memory, faster performance but uses more
2: check for updated database. If database has been updated, reload
filehandle and/or memory cache.
4: just cache the most frequently accessed index portion of the
database, resulting in faster lookups than GEOIP_STANDARD, but less
memory usage than GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE - useful for larger databases
such as GeoIP Organization and GeoIP City. Note, for GeoIP Country,
Region and Netspeed databases, GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE is equivalent to

DEFAULT_TRACKING_TEMPLATE: The template to use when generating the
visitor map. Defaults to tracking/visitor_map.html.

When that’s done, you should be able to go to /tracking/map/ on your site
(replacing tracking with whatever prefix you chose to use in your URLconf,
obviously). The default template relies upon jQuery for its awesomeness, but
you’re free to use whatever you would like.

To display the number of active users there are in one of your templates, make
sure you have {% load tracking_tags %} somewhere in your template and do
something like this:
{% visitors_on_site as visitors %}
{{ visitors }} active user{{ visitors|pluralize }}
If you also want to show how many people are looking at the same page:
{% visitors_on_page as same_page %}
{{ same_page }} of {{ visitors }} active user{{ visitors|pluralize }}
{% ifequal same_page 1 %}is{% else %}are{% endifequal %} reading this page
If you don’t want particular areas of your site to be tracked, you may define a
list of prefixes in your using the NO_TRACKING_PREFIXES. For
example, if you didn’t want visits to the /family/ section of your website,
set NO_TRACKING_PREFIXES to ['/family/'].
If you don’t want to count certain user-agents, such as Yahoo!’s Slurp and
Google’s Googlebot, you may add keywords to your visitor tracking in your
Django administration interface. Look for “Untracked User-Agents” and add a
keyword that distinguishes a particular user-agent. Any visitors with the
keyword in their user-agent string will not be tracked.
By default, active users include any visitors within the last 10 minutes. If
you would like to override that setting, just set TRACKING_TIMEOUT to however
many minutes you want in your
For automatic visitor clean-up, any records older than 24 hours are removed by
default. If you would like to override that setting, set
TRACKING_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT to however many hours you want in your
Good luck! Please contact me with any questions or concerns you have with the


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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