django-translations 1.3.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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djangotranslations 1.3.0

Django Translations

Django model translation for perfectionists with deadlines.
There are two types of content, each of which has its own challenges for translation:

Static content: This is the content which is defined in the code.
e.g. "Please enter a valid email address."
Django already provides a
for translating static content.

Dynamic content: This is the content which is stored in the database.
(We can't know it beforehand!)
Django Translations provides a solution
for translating dynamic content.

Currently, this project is incompatible with PostgreSQL.

Python (>=3.6, <4)
Django (>=2.2, <4)


Install Django Translations using pip:
$ pip install django-translations

Add translations to the INSTALLED_APPS in the settings of your

Run migrate:
$ python migrate

Configure Django internationalization and localization settings:
USE_I18N = True # use internationalization
USE_L10N = True # use localization

MIDDLEWARE += [ # locale middleware

LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' # default (fallback) language
LANGUAGES = ( # supported languages
('en', 'English'),
('en-gb', 'English (Great Britain)'),
('de', 'German'),
('tr', 'Turkish'),

Please note that these settings are for Django itself.

Basic Usage
Inherit Translatable in any model you want translated:
from translations.models import Translatable

class Continent(Translatable):
code = models.Charfield(...)
name = models.Charfield(...)
denonym = models.Charfield(...)

class TranslatableMeta:
fields = ['name', 'denonym']

No migrations needed afterwards.
Use the admin extensions:
from translations.admin import TranslatableAdmin, TranslationInline

class ContinentAdmin(TranslatableAdmin):
inlines = [TranslationInline,]

This provides specialized translation inlines for the model.

Use the queryset extensions:
>>> from sample.models import Continent
>>> continents = Continent.objects.all(
... ).distinct( # familiar distinct
... ).probe(['en', 'de'] # probe (filter, exclude, etc.) in English and German
... ).filter( # familiar filtering
... countries__cities__name__startswith='Köln'
... ).translate('de' # translate the results in German
... ).translate_related( # translate these relations as well
... 'countries', 'countries__cities',
... )
>>> print(continents)
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<Continent: Europa>,
>>> print(continents[0].countries.all())
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<Country: Deutschland>,
>>> print(continents[0].countries.all()[0].cities.all())
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<City: Köln>,

This provides a powerful yet familiar interface to work with the querysets.
Use the translation context:
>>> from translations.context import Context
>>> from sample.models import Continent
>>> continents = Continent.objects.all()
>>> relations = ('countries', 'countries__cities',)
>>> with Context(continents, *relations) as context:
...'de') # read the translations onto the context
... print(':') # use the objects like before
... print(continents)
... print(continents[0].countries.all())
... print(continents[0].countries.all()[0].cities.all())
... continents[0].countries.all()[0].name = 'Change the name'
... context.update('de') # update the translations from the context
... context.delete('de') # delete the translations of the context
... context.reset() # reset the translations of the context
... print(':') # use the objects like before
... print(continents)
... print(continents[0].countries.all())
... print(continents[0].countries.all()[0].cities.all())
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<Continent: Asien>,
<Continent: Europa>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<Country: Deutschland>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<City: Köln>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<Continent: Asia>,
<Continent: Europe>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<Country: Germany>,
<TranslatableQuerySet [
<City: Cologne>,

This can CRUD the translations of any objects (instance, queryset, list) and their relations.
For more interesting capabilities browse through the
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⭐️: Star it on GitHub.
💻: Contribute to the code base.
☕️: Buy the maintainers coffee.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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