django-validation-report 1.0.3

Creator: danarutscher

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djangovalidationreport 1.0.3

# Django Validation ReportDjango Validation Report (DVR) allows you to control whether all model instances can be resaved without errors.Suppose you have a Model:```pyclass Person(models.Model): is_monastic = models.BooleanField() monastic_name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)```Later on, after there are already some Person objects in the database, you add a `clean` method to the model:```py def clean(self): if self.is_monastic and not self.monastic_name: raise ValidationError( "If a Person is monastic, 'monastic_name' must be specified")```Now, it would be nice to control whether the old Person objects meet new standards. Otherwise unexpected ValidationErrors might be risen if the old ones are being resaved.Django Validation Report offers a solution to this problem.## FeaturesDVR provides:1. a report view for logged in users2. a `` command to show the report on the console3. automatic report email sending to admins; this is designed to be addded to your CI/CD script## Requirements- Python 3- Django 2 (should aslo work with previous versions, but it hasn't been tested. See issue [#1]( InstallationInstall using pip:```pip install django-validation-report```Then add `validation_report` to your INSTALLED_APPS.```pyINSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'validation_report.apps.ValidationReportConfig',]```To your main `` add:```pyurlpatterns = [ ... path('validation-report/', include('validation_report.urls')),]```Also make sure you have specified `LOGIN_URL` in your ``. In order to see the generated report, the user must be logged in. If you do not have a custom login page, you can just use the default admin login page `LOGIN_URL = '/admin/login/'`.The emails are sent to `settings.ADMINS`, so check that this constant has been specified and email sending has been configured.## Usage### ViewGo to `/validation-report/` URL. As a logged in user, you should see something like this:```Validation reportRun full_clean() for all Django model instances and return a report regarding failures.Validating 'Person' with id '1' raised [ValidationError(["If a Person is monastic, 'monastic_name' must be specified"])]Validating 'Person' with id '3' raised [ValidationError(["If a Person is monastic, 'monastic_name' must be specified"])]Task completed, 2 errors detected```If an error occurred and the server stopped delivering the `StreamingHttpResponse` before all model instances were checked, an error message will be shown:```Validation reportRun full_clean() for all Django model instances and return a report regarding failures.Validating 'Person' with id '1' raised [ValidationError(["If a Person is monastic, 'monastic_name' must be specified"])]ERROR: Task was not completed, server response was interrupted.```### `` commandType```You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode ./ validationreport --sendmail```You should see something like this:```Run `full_clean()` for all Django model instances and return a report regarding failures.Validating 'Person' with id '1' raised [ValidationError(["If a Person is monastic, 'monastic_name' must be specified"])]Validating 'Person' with id '3' raised [ValidationError(["If a Person is monastic, 'monastic_name' must be specified"])]Task completed, 2 errors detectedThe report was sent to the following```This command is especially useful for adding to your CI/CD script, so you will be notified on time and all possible confusion can be avoided.## LicenseDVR is published under MIT license.Inspired by [SQLite developers](, we add the following blessing:>May you do good and not evil\May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others\May you share freely, never taking more than you give.


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