django-visits 0.1.6

Creator: bradpython12

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djangovisits 0.1.6

Django visits is to be used as a hit-counter application for Django-powered web apps.
You have two ways of how to use this app; first is to count requested urls (CounterMiddleware), the second is to count object visits (aka models)

You settings file should contain the following settings

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_VISITS: (number) the minimum allowed time between visits for the user to update counter
IGNORE_URLS: (list) urls to ignore e.g. static urls etc. NOTE : only ignores by not incrementing the hit-counter for the request whose META.PATH_INFO starts with any string in this list. The visit is still logged though. Same thing happnes for IGNORE_USER_AGENTS and BOTS_USER_AGENTS settings below.
IGNORE_USER_AGENTS: (list) this is used to define what user agents to ignore. Regexes are supported
BOTS_USER_AGENTS: (list) this is used to define whether user is real or bot is user by BotVisitorMiddleware. Regexes are supported
REQUEST_FIELDS_FOR_HASH: (list) used to generate unique identifier for visitor
URI_WITH_GET_PARAMS: (bool) use get params to identify diferents uris
VISITS_OBJECTS_AS_COUNTERS: (bool) enable or disable the behavior of visits objects as counters (on False, every diferent visits is counted in a diferent object)

BOTS_USER_AGENTS by default will have the following values
"Teoma", "alexa", "froogle", "Gigabot", "inktomi", "looksmart", "URL_Spider_SQL", "Firefly",
"NationalDirectory", "Ask Jeeves", "TECNOSEEK", "InfoSeek", "WebFindBot", "girafabot", "crawler",
"", "Googlebot", "Googlebot/2.1", "Google", "Webmaster", "Scooter", "James Bond",
"Slurp", "msnbot", "appie", "FAST", "WebBug", "Spade", "ZyBorg", "rabaz", "Baiduspider",
"Feedfetcher-Google", "TechnoratiSnoop", "Rankivabot", "Mediapartners-Google", "Sogou web spider",
"WebAlta Crawler", "MJ12bot", "Yandex/", "YaDirectBot", "StackRambler", "DotBot", "dotbot"


Add visits to INSTALLED_APPS

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If you want to filter some type of user agents you can define IGNORE_USER_AGENTS in your

IGNORE_USER_AGENTS = ["Wget/", "curl/"]

If you want to filter bots from real users then in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES set

# ...

If you want to count visits automatically per url the you should add CounterMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

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If you want to count visits automatically per url with get params you should add URI_WITH_GET_PARAMS=True to your
If you want count url visit manually you can do it the way below

from visits.models import Visits

def some_object_view(request, pk):
Visit.objects.add_uri_visit(request, request.META["PATH_INFO"], APP_LABEL)

If you want count visits per object then it’s similar to the example above

from visits.models import Visits

def some_object_view(request, pk):
some_obj = get_object_or_404(SOME_MODEL, pk=pk)
Visit.objects.add_object_visit(request, obj=some_obj)

From inside of a template you can get

object visits using get_visits
url visits using get_visits templatetag

{% load visits_tags %}

{% get_visits some_model_instance as visits %}
{% get_visits some_request_instance as visits %}
{% get_visits some_uri_regex as visits %}
Note: to get uri visits using get_visits templatetag you should add the following to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
Have fun!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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