django-webpack-bridge 0.1.4

Creator: danarutscher

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djangowebpackbridge 0.1.4

Django Webpack Bridge

Creates a bridge from webpack to django.
How to Use

Add django-webpack-bridge to or pyproject.toml, and package.json.

Add the plugin to webpack.config.js
const DjangoBridgePlugin = require('django-webpack-bridge');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new DjangoBridgePlugin(),

django-webpack-bridge will use the variables from module.exports.output

Add the following to
'{same as module.exports.output.path from webpack.config.js}',

In the template.html
{% load webpack_bridge %}
{% render_webpack_entry 'entry point name' js='defer' %}

# Name of the manifest file
'manifest_file': 'manifest.json',
# Boolean to turn caching on and off
'cache': not settings.DEBUG,
# Timeout duration for the cache
'cache_timeout': 86400, # 1 Day
# Namespace for the cache
'cache_prefix': 'webpack_manifest',
# Maps a tag group to a group of tags
'group_to_extensions': {
'script': ('js', ),
'style': ('css', ),
# Maps a tag group to a html tag
'group_to_html_tag': {
'script': '<script src="{path}" {attributes}></script>',
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"'
+ ' href="{path}" {attributes}>',
# Time between updaing the manifest from the file while compiling
'compiling_poll_duration': 0.5,

group_to_extensions and group_to_html_tag combine to create a multi-key map from a group of file extensions to a html tag. Eg. (js, jsx) -> <script src="{path}" {attributes}></script>
path: Will be replaced with the bundle path
attributes: Will be replaced with any attributes specfied when when calling 'render_webpack_entry'. Attributes are grouped by file extension
The following settings can be passed to DjangoBridgePlugin
path: 'defaults to module.exports.output.path',
publicPath: 'defaults to module.exports.output.publicPath',
fileName: 'defaults to manifest.json',

Running tests

Create and activate a python virtual env of your choice (optional).
Run pip install .
Run DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=test_files.settings python -m django test webpack_bridge

Running the Demo

Run docker-compose up --build
Open localhost:8000


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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