django-webperformers-humans 0.3.8

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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djangowebperformershumans 0.3.8

Django humans
Warning - templates are built using TailwindCSS - you need to build a styles for them manually
Humans is a Django app:

Exposing humans.txt file
Exposing project team over /team/ path
Exposing each project team member over /team/member-name path

Model Humans is created to manage team members and their information
App uses templates:

teamComponent.html - main component of displaying team members
teamPage.html - page, including teamComponent.html component, and extending base template. Base template should have humansContent block.
personPage.html - page, displaying each tem member individually, and extending base template. Base template should have humansContent block.

To override them, just create same files in your templates dir humans folder
Quick start

Add "humans" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., "humans", ]

Include the humans URLconf in your project like this::
path('', include('humans.urls')),

Run python migrate to create the humans models.

Add {% block humansContent %}{% endblock %} to your base template to include pages in


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